docker pull [仓库的URL]/[命名空间]/[镜像名称]:[版本号] 默认的仓库URL: 默认的命名空间:library 默认的版本号:latest FROM node:18-alpine WORKDIR/app COPY . . RUN yarn install--production CMD ["node",...
getting-started是官方根据其在线文档(专门制作的一个镜像(全名是:docker/getting-started)。相比在线文档,步骤更详细清晰,作者就是按照这个镜像一步一步实践快速入门了Docker。 如何安装使用这个镜像,可以去docker hub镜像仓库(
在命令行pull一个getting-started镜像,提示80端口被占用。 docker: Error response from daemon: Ports are not available: listen tcp bind: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions 查看任务管理器,是system在占用,在笔者的情况下,只要打开服务,然...
如果你已经安装了docker(别忘记先启动),可以通过以下命令快启动getting-started,查看其内容: #从docker hub拉取镜像到本地,docker是用户名,后面的是镜像名称 $ docker pull docker/getting-started # 显示本地安装镜像 $ docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE docker/getting-started latest 083d75...
docker push yuyun21/getting-started:tagname 1. push镜像 1、运行 Docker Hub 上看到的 push 命令: push 命令正在寻找一个名为 docker/getting-started 的图像,但没有找到 2、使用命令登录 Docker Hub docker login -u YOUR-USER-NAME 1. 3、使用docker tag命令为getting-started镜像指定一个新名称。将YOUR-...
6. Docker Pull Command: Now that your image is pushed in your docker hub repo you can anytime take a pull of the same in your local machine and get started. let’s see how it works. If you carefully see the pushed image you will also get a pull command that one can use to take...
If you don't have the ubuntu image locally, Docker pulls it from your configured registry, as though you had run docker pull ubuntu manually. Docker creates a new container, as though you had run a docker container create command manually. Docker allocates a read-write filesystem to the co...
docker pull mysql #默认拉取最新的镜像 docker pull mysql:5.7 #指定版本下载 1. 2. 2.3查看所有镜像 docker images -a #查看所有镜像信息 docker images -aq #查看所有的镜像id 搜索结果列表解释 REPOSITORY:镜像的仓库源 TAG:镜像的标签 IMAGE ID:镜像的id ...
Using image layer caching to speed up builds and reduce push/pull size Using multi-stage builds to separate build-time and runtime dependencies Getting Started If you wish to run the tutorial, you can use the following command after installing Docker Desktop: ...
Error response from daemon: pull access denied for devopsvip/docker, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login' ## 解决方法 docker login 如何将本机的镜像复制到远程的机器? 本机: 代码语言:javascript 复制 [root@myserver docker]# docker save -o webserver-v2.tar web...