When building images, always tag them withuseful tagswhich codifyversion information, intendeddestination(prodortest, for instance),stability, orother informationthat is useful when deploying the application in different environments.Do not rely on the automatically-createdlatesttag. Where and how to per...
可以在生产镜像的顶部添加其他测试或调试工具。 When building images, always tag them with useful tags which codify version information, intended destination (prodortest, for instance), stability, or other information that is useful when deploying the application in different environments. Do not rely o...
Then you could add this override file to your.gitignorefile so when you push your code to production (let’s say a VPS that you’ve set up) it won’t be there and voila, you’ve just created a pattern that lets you run something in dev but not in prod without having to duplicate...
Familiarity with the Dockerfile creation process is essential. This article discusses some of the best Docker best practices to be followed by software developers.
for copying in libs, installing prod-only dependencies, minimizing the context, working with Docker layer-caching, etc. etc., and would love to use pnpm-features that would make (some of) that simpler. If I was doing this, I'd consider a tool that's uncoupled from the specifics of ...
本篇分享在编写 Dockerfiles 和使用Docker时应遵循的一些最佳实践。篇幅较长,建议先收藏慢慢看,保证看完会很有收获。 Dockerfile 最佳实践 1. 使用多阶段的构建 利用多阶段构建的优势来创建更精简、更安全的Docker镜像。多阶段 Docker 构建(multi-stage builds[1])允许你将你的 Dockerfile 分成几个阶段。
and prod environments, thus increasing process efficiency. A thin JAR forms a separate container layer leaving the same overall size and a tiny update portion. It is also possible to utilize class files without the JAR packaging, which accelerates startup and reduces compressed image size due to...
Source Category. (Required) Enter the Sumo source category (such asprod/web/docker/logs). The source category metadata field is a fundamental building block to organize and label sources. For more information, seeMetadata Naming Conventionsand ourBest Practices: Good Source Category, Bad Source Cat...
Usemultistage builds. 使用多阶段构建,如果你的 Docker 版本不支持多阶段构建,请请尽可能减少镜像层数。 使用你自己的基础镜像 保持生产环境镜像尽可能小,但允许调试 使用有明确含义的镜像标签prod或者test,尽量不使用latest标签。 Where and how to persist application data ...
Part 1 Docker https://support.cloudbees.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001566111-Set-up-a-Docker-in-Docker-Agent-Template 可以先写一个dockerfile FROM ubuntu:20.04 #FROM ubuntu-20.04:pre-build MAINTAINER XX <XX.com> ARG user=XX ARG home=/home/$user ...