您应该能够通过登录到容器docker exec -it <container_id> bash,然后使用psqlcli来更改密码。
"postgres://postgres:notsecurepassword@localhost/zksync_local" ); assert_eq!(postgres_config.max_connections().unwrap(), 50); assert_eq!( 3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion 3 docker-compose-cpu-runner.yml Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -36,4 +36,5 @@...
Postgresql password change General debajyoti (Debajyoti) February 16, 2016, 10:18am 1 I am writing own custom Dockerfile, I am not able to change the postgres user passwd Last line of the Dockerfile. CMD ["/start_postgres.sh"] start_postgres.sh contains su - postgres -c '/usr/pgsql...
# PostgreSQL Settings# 自建数据库,则需要更改:参考第2步数据库,我把数据库名改成了 `flowy`POSTGRES_HOST=<外部数据库地址>POSTGRES_USER=flowy# 数据库用户名POSTGRES_PASSWORD=changepassword#数据库密码POSTGRES_PORT=5432POSTGRES_DB=flowy# 数据库名# Supabase user settingsSUPABASE_USER=supabase_auth_adminSUPA...
具体步骤:#1、进入[harbor-db]容器内部dockerexec -it harbor-db /bin/bash#2、进入postgresql命令行, psql -h postgresql -d postgres -U postgres #这要输入默认密码:root123 。 psql -U postgres -d postgres -h -p 5432 #或者用这 ...
docker run - rm -v $(pwd)/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_DB=onedev -e POSTGRES_USER=onedev -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=changeit -p 5432:5432 postgres:15.4 运行OneDev 服务器 运行以下命令在两台不同的计算机或虚拟机上启动 OneDev 容器: ...
Fixed a bug that prevented php composer or postgres to start as non root user. Fixes docker/for-mac#7415. Fixed a bug that could cause file changed on the host to appear truncated. Fixes docker/for-mac#7438. For Windows New installations of Docker Desktop for Windows now require a Windows...
Fixed a bug that prevented php composer or postgres to start as non root user. Fixes docker/for-mac#7415. Fixed a bug that could cause file changed on the host to appear truncated. Fixes docker/for-mac#7438. For Windows New installations of Docker Desktop for Windows now require a Windows...
docker run -d --name postgres --restart always -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD='admin'-e POSTGRES_USER='admin'-e ALLOW_IP_RANGE= -v /data/postgres/data:/var/lib/postgresql -p 55433:5432 -d postgres –name : 自定义容器名称 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Postgresql数据库密码 ...
-redis-dbsecrets: -nextcloud_admin_password-nextcloud_admin_user-postgres_db-postgres_password-postgres_uservolumes:db:nextcloud:secrets:nextcloud_admin_password:file:./nextcloud_admin_password.txt#put admin password in this filenextcloud_admin_user:file:./nextcloud_admin_user.txt#put admin username in...