DockerDeskTop安装完成后,无法启动 报错信息如下: Please try shutting WSL down (wsl --shutdown) and/or rebooting your computer. If not sufficient, WSL may need to be reinstalled fully. As a last resort, try to uninstall/reinstall Docker Desktop. 解决方案: 以管理员身份打开PowerShell运行以下命令 ...
- Please try shutting WSL down (wsl --shutdown) and/or rebooting your computer. If not sufficient, WSL may need to be reinstalled fully. As a last resort, try to uninstall/reinstall Docker Desktop. If the issue persists please collect diagnostics and submit an issue ([https://docs.docker...
1.An unexpected error was encountered An unexpected error was encountered while executing a WSLcommand. Common causes include access rights issues, which occurafter waking the computer or not being connected to your domain/active directory. Please try shutting WSL down (wsl --shutdown) and/or reb...
which occur after waking the computer or not being connected to your domain/active directory. Please try shutting WSL down (wsl --shutdown) and/or rebooting your computer. lf not sufficient, WSL may need to be reinstalled fully. As
Docker Desktop - Unexpected WSL error. An unexpected error was encountered while executing a WSL command. Common causes include access rights issues, which occur after waking the computer or not being connected to your domain/active directory. Please try shutting WSL down (wsl -- shutdown) and/...
Docker Desktop - Unexpected WSL errorAn unexpected error was encountered while executing a WSL command, Commoncauses include access rights issues, which occur after waking the computer or notbeing connected to your domain/active directory.please try shutting WSL down (wsl --shutdown) and/or rebooti...
报错信息:Docker Desktop -Unexpected WsL error An unexpected error was encountered while executing a WSL command. Commoncauses include access rights issues, which occur after waking the computer or notbeing connected to your domain/active directory. Please try shutting WSL down (wsl --shutdown) and...
An unexpected error was encountered while executing a WSL command. Common causes include access rights issues, which occur after waking the computer or not being connected to your domain/active directory. Please try shutting WSL down (wsl --shutdown) and/or rebooting your computer. If not suffic...
An unexpected error was encounteredwhileexecuting a WSLcommand.Common causes include access rights issues,which occurafter waking the computer or not being connected to your domain/active directory.PleasetryshuttingWSLdown(wsl--shutdown)and/or rebooting yourcomputer.If not sufficient,WSLmay need to be...
Again, when I try to start my Docker Desktop it stops and never gets working again. I restarted my computer, and nothing. I need some help on how to track this down or clear the cache or something to make it work again. Please help. Sorry, I don’t know what else to do now. I...