Docker nginx and php-fpm "File Not Found" Docker EngineCompose docker-compose aloxen(Aloxen)June 18, 2023, 1:40pm2 For all those who run into the same problem: In my case, I forgot to map the volume from php-fpm to my html folder. The php section in the docker-copmpose.yml shoul...
When I do “docker-compose -d up” it stats both services and localhost:8000 is working, when I include a index.html for example. But if I try to acces a .php file, It returns a page saying “File not found”. I’ve looked it up and there are 3 main reasons, why this could ...
在阿里云服务器上,使用docker-ce版本部署php开发环境,当部署完nginx和php-fpm后,测试.html结尾文件可以访问,但是测试.php文件就会报错,报错内容如下: File not found. 查看docker运行的nginx错误日志,报错如下: FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream 查看dock...
1.我在docker里面安装了php-fpm,按照的是[链接]2.nginx在本机, 3.容器里面的配置也修改了,依旧不行.请大牛看看,谢谢了.
当你在使用Docker、Nginx和PHP的组合时遇到“File not found”错误,这通常是由于配置问题或文件路径问题导致的。以下是一些可能的解决方案,你可以按照这些步骤逐一排查和解决问题: 确认Docker容器配置是否正确: 确保你的docker-compose.yml文件中正确配置了Nginx和PHP-FPM容器的挂载点。例如,你的docker-compose.yml文件...
docker pull php:7.4-fpm 1. Step2 创建php-fpm 容器 docker run -itd --name php-fpm \ -v /var/lib/docker/volumes/conf/etc:/usr/local/etc \ -v /www:/var/www/html -p 9000:9000 \ --privileged=true php:7.4-fpm 1. 2. 3.
即宿主机上的/home/wwwroot/siteA/public/index.php要转为/var/www/html/siteA/public/index.php发送给fpm容器,否则会报File not found的错误。 所以nginx配置server时要注意如下的卷路径转换: server { listen 8056; ... # 宿主机的站点根目录 root...
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /scripts$fastcgi_script_name; 替换成下面(就是把你root文件夹设为其他用户允许) fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; 2:注意fastcgi_pass 因为docker-compose.yml中的php的services叫php-fpm,所以这里就是php-fpm:9000 ...
netstat -tlnp | grep 9000 tcp6 0 0 :::9000 :::* LISTEN 1/php-fpm I have no idea how to fix the File not found. problem now ... Edit: Just to be clear, what I get is not a '404 page not found,' but a '404 file not found.' it's the first time that ...
比如我们在运行一个 Nginx 容器和 PHP-FPM 容器的时候,不仅要把宿主机的项目路径映射到 Nginx 容器中,还要映射到 PHP-FPM 容器中,否则就会是一系列的 File not found. Docker 中的网络是有多种模式的, 在默认情况下是会创建一个虚拟网桥的, 实际上是 Linux 的一个 bridge,它会在挂载到它的网口之间进行转发...