所以Parallels 虚拟机只能运行微软专门针对 ARM 处理器打造的 Windows 10 on ARM,我们在使用这个系统的时候照样会遇到软件不兼容的情况。 既然这样,那接下来托尼在新 Mac 上尝鲜 Windows 的同时,也带差友们一起看看 Windows 软件对 ARM 处理器的适配情况到底怎么样吧。 在虚拟机里安装好 Win10 系统的第一件事,...
嵌套的虚拟化场景,比如在VMWare或Parallels实例上运行Docker Desktop可能有效,但不能保证。有关更多信息,请参见在嵌套虚拟化场景中运行Docker Desktop。 关于Windows容器 正在寻找使用Windows容器的信息? Windows和Linux容器之间的切换描述了如何在Docker Desktop中切换Linux和Windows容...
将来,Docker for Windows将更好地隔离用户内容。 5.嵌套的虚拟化场景,例如在VMWare或Parallels实例上运行Docker for Windows,可能会起作用,但不能保证(即不正式支持)。 二、安装Docker for Windows 双击运行安装程序之后会出现两个选项: 1.Add shortcut to desktop, 添加桌面快捷图标,为了方便是要勾选的 2.Use W...
Enter an executor: ssh, virtualbox, kubernetes, custom, docker, docker-windows,parallels, instance, docker-ssh, shell, docker+machine, docker-ssh+machine: shell Runner registered successfully. Feel free to start it, butifit's running already the config should be automatically reloaded! [0;m Con...
1.Docker for Windows使用Hyper-V运行Moby VM,基于LinuxKit运行Linux镜像。LinuxKit提供了一个基于容器的...
2.重新打开�Docker Quickstart Terminal后,发现还是运行不了,缺少boot2docker,但有提示重新下载,可手动下载后,替换到提示地址(C:/Users/Asen/.docker/m...
Dinghy - An alternative way to use Docker on Mac OS X using Docker Machine with virtualbox, vmware, xhyve or parallels DIP - CLI utility for straightforward provisioning and interacting with an application configured by docker-compose. By @bibendi DLite 💀 - Simplest way to use Docker on ...
1.Docker for Windows使用Hyper-V运行Moby VM,基于LinuxKit运行Linux镜像。LinuxKit提供了一个基于容器的...
It also turns out that if we usesystem()to bypass this it works but the output is dumped into the terminal and the only way to avoid it is to pipe to dev/null which isn't an option on Windows. So instead we ask vagrant if parallels is installed...
Docker : When creating a machine, VT-X/AMD is enabled, But on a full-fledged Ubuntu VM, you just need to install docker and run it directly. If you need to use docker-machine, just copy (on Windows) v0.6.0-rc1/docker-machine_windows-amd64.exe as docker-machine.exe anywhere you wa...