ARGDEBIAN_IMAGE=debian:stable-slim FROMcoredns/coredns:1.10.1asbin FROM${DEBIAN_IMAGE}ASbuild SHELL["/bin/sh","-ec"] RUNexportDEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN=true\ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive\ DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical\ TERM=linux;\ apt-get-qqupd...
Quantum ESPRESSO教程之电子局域函数计算(Pymatflow篇) 本文译自: How To Run Docker As Non-root User In Linux 译者: 生材有道
题外话,这种情况下,如果想要nginx容器应用以非root身份运行,就需要修改nginx应用的权限配置。相当于在Linux中配置使用普通用户身份运行nginx。 追根溯源,可以修改nginx的镜像。(有人已经制作了这样的nginx镜像,参见Run Docker nginx as Non-Root-User | rockyourcode) 总结 docker run的-u选项,相当于在Linux中的su...
1. 创建一个非root用户 首先,我们需要创建一个非root用户,用来运行Docker容器。我们可以使用以下命令创建一个名为dockeruser的用户: $sudouseradd-m-s/bin/bash dockeruser 1. 2. 添加该用户到docker用户组 为了让该非root用户能够访问Docker服务,我们需要将该用户添加到docker用户组中。可以使用以下命令将用户添加...
Running your application as a non-root user is recommended even in production (since it is more secure), so this is a good idea even if you're reusing an existing Dockerfile. For example, this snippet for a Debian/Ubuntu container will create a user calleduser-name-goes-here, give it ...
Run the Docker daemon as a non-root user (Rootless mode) | Docker Documentation podman — Podman documentation Rootless containers with Podman: The basics | Red Hat Developer 一、准备 假定,docker 运行账户为testuser id-u1001whoami testuser ...
容器安全拾遗 - Rootless Container初探 Run the Docker daemon as a non-root user (Rootless mode)
All the subsequent commands will be running as a non-root user called node. The last change that you will need to do is to the COPY commands. You will need to ensure that the ownership of the files that you copy from your file system into the container is actually to the node user....
Docker使用非root用户(转) 通常我们使用Docker的时候都是使用的root,官方说法如下: Thedockerdaemon binds to aUnixsocket instead of aTCPport. By default that Unix socket is owned by the user root and other users can access it with sudo. For this reason,dockerdaemon always runs as the root user....