1、规划部署 我们将会搭建一个三分区三副本的高可用 SequoiaDB 巨杉数据库。同时,我们将会创建一个 SequoiaDB 巨杉数据库的 MySQL 实例,用以提供 Nodejs 作为数据源。 容器角色 容器名/IP:端口 分区组 镜像版本 数据库协调节点 coord_catalog/ SYSCoord sequoiadb/sequoiadb:v3.2.1 数据库编目节...
After the power cycle (e.g. power fail, not a graceful shutdown) the nodes sometimes have a status of “Down” as shown by docker node ls. Availability is still “Active”. Tasks are shown as Allocated, but no services are running. Sometimes the nodes and services recover after a power...
root@docker100 ~]# docker service ls ID NAME MODE REPLICAS IMAGE PORTS xr9j9c4t2hz9 service_test replicated 2/2 nginx:alpine [root@docker100 ~]# docker service ps service_test ID NAME IMAGE NODE DESIRED STATE CURRENT STATE ERROR PORTS xm0omnuj9fho service_test.1 nginx:alpine docker100 ...
$ docker node ls Error response from daemon: Swarm is encrypted and needs to be unlocked before it can be used. 尽管Docker 服务已经重启,该管理节点仍然未被允许重新接入集群。 为了进一步验证,可以到其他管理节点执行docker node ls命令,会发现重启的管理节点会显示 down 以及 unreachable。 执行docker swarm...
$docker node ls -fid=1ID HOSTNAME STATUS AVAILABILITY MANAGER STATUS1bcef6utixb0l0ca7gxuivsj0 swarm-worker2 Ready Active label Thelabelfilter matches nodes based on engine labels and on the presence of alabelalone or alabeland a value. Engine labels are configured in thedaemon configuration...
Node left the swarm. [root@nccztsjb-node-10~]# 那么,这个节点,就会离开swarm集群 完事了吗,回到manager节点 [root@nccztsjb-node-07~]# docker node ls ID HOSTNAME STATUS AVAILABILITY MANAGER STATUS ENGINE VERSION mjktd9is5xd8d4el2awrqby5k* nccztsjb-node-07Ready Active Leader20.10.17u87i9ar...
利用Docker 快速跨平台部署后端( Node.js + MongoDB + Redis + Nginx ) 项目 一些常见的 Linux 系统操作 编写Dockerfile 文件 编写docker-compose 文件 编写 一些常见的 nginx 配置文件 PS 这里主要讲的是利用容器化的方式去部署项目,容器化部署的好处有很多哈,比如容器可以很方便从一台电脑迁移到另一台电脑。
docker node ls 在输出中,你将看到每个节点的状态列,其中包括活动状态和状态描述。状态描述可能包括 “Ready”(节点处于正常状态)、“Down”(节点不可用)等信息。 使用docker node inspect命令: 你可以使用docker node inspect命令来查看特定节点的详细信息,包括节点的健康状态。例如,要查看节点node1的详细信息,可以运...
In addition to enabling the container to interact with the device node, it also lets you specify additional configuration for the device, such as environment variables, host mounts (such as shared objects), and executable hooks. You can reference a CDI device with the --device flag using the...
$ docker node ls ID HOSTNAME STATUS AVAILABILITY MANAGER STATUS a8dwuh6gy5898z3yeuvxaetjo host-B Ready Active elgt0bfuikjrntv3c33hr0752 * host-A Ready Active Leader #Create the dognet overlay network host-A $ docker network create -d overlay petsOverlay ...