To make tagging consistent across the various docker commands, the -f flag on the docker tag command is deprecated. It is no longer necessary to specify -f to move a tag from one image to another. Nor will docker generate an error if the -f flag is missing and the specified tag is ...
//*.go ./# BuildRUNCGO_ENABLED=0GOOS=linux go build -o /docker-gs-ping# Optional:# To bind to a TCP port, runtime parameters must be supplied to the docker command.# But we can document in the Dockerfile what ports# the application is ...
FROM alpine:3.5 The next step usually is to write the commands of copying the files and installing the dependencies. But first we will install the Python pip package to the alpine linux distribution. This will not just install the pip package but any other dependencies too, which includes the...
-HSOCKET... or --host=SOCKET... — This might sound like it would affect container networking, but it actually faces in the other direction: it tells the Docker server over what channels it should be willing to receive commands like “run container” and “s...
// here. However, on Windows it makes no sense and there is no need. if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { logrus.SetOutput(stdout) } else { logrus.SetOutput(stderr) } cmd := newDaemonCommand() cmd.SetOutput(stdout) if err := cmd.Execute(); err != nil { ...
Docker gives you all the tools you need to clean up your system from the command line. This cheat sheet-style guide provides a quick reference to commands that are useful for freeing disk space and keeping your system organized by removing unused Docker images, containers, and volumes. ...
Copy$ ioxclient docker NAME: ioxclient docker - Commands for using docker tools for IOx app development USAGE: ioxclient docker command [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS: package, pkg Package an existing docker image as an IOx application init, in Initialize configuration for internal Do...
The following commands relate to using registries, including the Docker Hub. Be aware that Docker saves credentials to the file.dockercfgin your home directory: docker login Register with, or log in to, the given registry server. If no server is specified, it is assumed to be the Docker Hu...
By default the plug-in will use the docker command line tool to execute any docker commands (such as build and push). However, it can be configured to use the Docker Remote API instead via the useApi extension property: docker { useApi true } Use of the remote API requires that the...
Commands start, restart, pause, and unpause now exit with an error status code if no containers were modified. Added a new --abort-on-container-exit flag to up which causes up to stop all container and exit once the first container exits. Removed support for FIG_FILE, FIG_PROJECT_NAME,...