Description docker manifest create returns 'no such manifest' Steps to reproduce the issue: build docker multiple docker images create a docker manifest with created docker images error Describe the results you received: no such manifest...
注意:在使用docker manifest create命令时,确保待合并镜像都已经被推送到 Docker Hub 镜像仓库,不然报错no such manifest。这也是为什么前文在构建镜像时,都会将镜像推送到 Docker Hub。 此时在 Apple M2 芯片设备上使用docker run启动构建好的跨平台镜像jianghushinian/echo-platform: $ docker run --rm jianghushini...
$ docker manifest create jianghushinian/echo-platform jianghushinian/echo-platform-arm64 jianghushinian/echo-platform-amd64 Created manifest list 如上输出,表明多架构镜像构建成功。 注意:在使用docker manifest create命令时,确保待合并镜像都已经被推送到 Docker ...
主要是近期在构建一个镜像,在镜像构建成功后,运行一直提示"no main manifest attribute",当时还在想,是不是Dockerfile写错了,后来仔细检查了一下,发现是在pom文件下build节点下配置问题,修改配置后就解决了对应问题,下面是我修改后的build节点信息 <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</...
Create annotations (--annotation) --annotation="key=value" --annotation="[type:]key=value" Add OCI annotations to the image index, manifest, or descriptor. The following example adds the foo=bar annotation to the image manifests: $ docker buildx build -t TAG --annotation "foo=bar" --pu...
such as acreate, which queries a registry, the--insecureflag must be specified. This flag tells the CLI that this registry call may ignore security concerns like missing or self-signed certificates. Likewise, on amanifest pushto an insecure registry, the--insecureflag must be specified. If th...
问题: docker run -p 40002:40002 intelligent-posture-image no main manifest attribute, in /intelligent-posture-image.jar 原因:这个问题主要是因为MANIFEST.MF文件内没有指定启动
Docker 拉取 MySQL 镜像,提示 no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries,其实这也不能说是报错,只是 Docker 既没在本地的仓库找到 mysql,也没在远程的 DockerHub 上找到可以进…
require loginin在使用cmd执行命令dockerpullubuntu 报的上诉错误。解决方案: 安装docker下载tollbox 注册了id账号,docker成功启动了以后右击 siginin这个问题就解决了 记得重新启动cmd 以管理员的身份启动2.win10docker如何安装ubentunomatchingmanifestforwindows ...
自己回答一下吧,安装的ubuntu的版本不对,选择的是64位的,安装的是32位的,所以pull的时候一直出错? 0 回复 ck_yu 提问者 2019-05-20 { "registry-mirrors": [ "https://***", "", "", "https://docker...