出现"2013 - Lost connection to server at 'handshake: reading initial communication packet', system error: 60"错误可能是由于连接超时导致的问题。 检查网络连接:确保你的网络连接稳定,没有任何干扰或阻塞。尝试使用其他工具或应用程序测试连接是否正常。 检查防火墙设置:确保你的防火墙没有阻止与Polardb-X的连接。
# # Note that in order to read the configuration file, Redis must be # started with the file path as first argument: # # ./redis-server /path/to/redis.conf# Note on units: when memory size is needed, it is possible to specify # it in the usual form of 1k 5GB 4M and so forth...
# # When protected mode is on and if: # # 1) The server is not binding explicitly to a set of addresses using the # "bind" directive. # 2) No password is configured. # # The server only accepts connections from clients connecting from the # IPv4 and IPv6 loopback addresses 127.0....
# following bind directive,that will forceRedistolistenonly into # theIPv4loopbackinterfaceaddress(thismeansRediswill be ableto# accept connections only from clients running into the same computer it # is running).# # IF YOU ARE SURE YOU WANT YOUR INSTANCE TO LISTEN TO ALL THE INTERFACES # J...
#./redis-server/path/to/redis.conf #Noteon units:when memory size is needed,it is possibletospecify# it in the usual form of1k5GB4M and so forth:# #1k=>1000bytes #1kb=>1024bytes #1m=>1000000bytes #1mb=>1024*1024bytes #1g=>1000000000bytes ...
# They do not enable continuous liveness pings back to your supervisor. supervised no # If a pid file is specified, Redis writes it where specified at startup # and removes it at exit. # # When the server runs non daemonized, no pid file is created if none is # specified in the...
大家好,新入门, docker 启动polardb-x开源版本后, 使用navicat 连接,一直出现 2013 - Lost connection to server at 'handshake: reading initial communication packet', system error: 60 等了差不多好几分钟,连接成功了,还没用几分钟,非常慢, 断开再连接, 又是这个错误,... 文章 ...
写了一个脚本按prepare->run->cleanup的顺序在后台跑着。跑完后察看日志发现一个问题,MySQL服务的错误日志中出现多条类似以下信息的报错: [ERROR] InnoDB: Trying to do I/O to a tablespace which does not exist. I/O type: read, page: [page id: space=32, page number=57890], I/O length ...
Beast binary protocol and hardware handshake are always enabled. VariableDescriptionControls which readsb optionDefault READSB_BEAST_CRC_OFF Set this to any value to turn OFF CRC checking. --beast-crc-off Unset READSB_BEAST_DF045_ON Set this to any value to turn ON DF0/4/5 filter. --be...