docker run -d --log-driver=loki --log-opt loki-url=http://loki:3100/ my-container 1. 2. 在上面的示例中,`--log-driver=loki`表示使用Loki作为Logging Driver,`--log-opt loki-url=http://loki:3100/`指定了Loki的地址为`http://loki:3100/`。通过这样的配置,容器的日志将会被输出到Loki中,...
url: http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push" > loki-local-config.yaml 1. 2. 3. 4. 步骤3:安装Docker Logging Driver插件 然后,你需要安装Docker Logging Driver插件,以便Docker能够将容器的日志发送到Loki中。 #安装Docker Logging Driver插件docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --al...
2、docker安装loki插件参考文档 1 2 3 4 5 6 1、安装插件 docker plugininstallgrafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --aliasloki --grant-all-permissions 2、查看插件情况 [root@localhost ~]# docker plugin ls ID NAME DESCRIPTION ENABLED 827b3c27a761 loki:latest Loki Logging Drivertrue 3、docker修改配置...
logging: driver: loki options: loki-url: max-size: "100m" max-file: "10" 而新服务器上没有部署192.168.0.1:8022这个服务。 将logging的配置项删除后,该容器启动/关闭响应正常。
As the Grafana Labs team pushes the Loki project toward general availability, we will be doing deep dives on its key features. Here are the first two: the Docker logging driver plugin and support for systemd.
Options for the logging driver can also be configured withlog-optsin thedaemon.json: json {"debug":true,"log-driver":"loki","log-opts":{"loki-url":"https://<user_id>:<password>","loki-batch-size":"400"}} ...
docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --alias loki --grant-all-permissions 然后配置需要收集日志的服务docker-compose文件 logging:driver:loki options:loki-url:http://loki:3100/api/prom/push" loki-retries:"5"loki-batch-size:"400" ...
使用Docker和Loki进行日志收集是一个高效且轻量级的方法。以下是一个详细的步骤指南,帮助你完成Docker日志到Loki的收集过程: 1. 理解Docker日志系统及其重要性 Docker日志系统是Docker容器运行时产生的所有标准输出(stdout)和标准错误(stderr)流的数据集合。这些日志对于监控、调试和审计容器行为至关重要。 2. 了解Loki作...
# cat docker-compose.yamlversion:'3.5'networks: loki: services: loki: image: grafana/loki:3.0.0 container_name: loki restart: unless-stopped ports: -3100:3100 volumes: - ./config:/etc/loki/config - ./loki/rules:/opt/loki/rules - ./loki/chunks:/opt/loki/chunks logging: driver:"json-...
Hello there, Is there a way to get the container logs with the docker-compose logs command as well beside the docker logs command, which is working well? I've got the standard config for the loki docker log driver like { "debug" : true, ...