docker run -d --log-driver=loki --log-opt loki-url=http://loki:3100/ my-container 1. 2. 在上面的示例中,`--log-driver=loki`表示使用Loki作为Logging Driver,`--log-opt loki-url=http://loki:3100/`指定了Loki的地址为`http://loki:3100/`。通过这样的配置,容器的日志将会被输出到Loki中,...
通过docker run启动容器,可以通过--log-driver来指定为loki。示例如下 docker run --rm --name=grafana --log-driver=loki --log-opt loki-url="http://YOUR_IP:3100/loki/api/v1/push" --log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=10 grafana/grafana --log-driver=loki指定日志驱动器为loki --lo...
docker run --rm--name=nginx --log-driver=loki --log-opt loki-url=""--log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=10grafana/grafanax 3,docker-compose 配置我用得这个 logging: driver: loki #驱动器指定loki options: loki-url:"http://123.123....
{ "log-driver": "loki", "log-opts": { "loki-url": "http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push", "loki-batch-size": "400", "loki-retries": 5, "max-size": "50m", "max-file": "10" } } 这将为所有Docker容器配置默认的日志驱动为Loki,并将日志推送到指定的Loki实例。 4. 在Loki...
新建容器时指定logging类型为loki,这样只有指定了logging的容器才会输出到loki 全局收集配置 编辑daemon.json。linux下默认路径是/etc/docker/daemon.json (需要sudo), windows则默认是%userprofile%\.docker\daemon.json { "log-driver": "loki", "log-opts": { ...
Describe the bug Basically, the loki log driver for docker has no cleanup mechanisms for it's local copy of the docker log files. This results in thousands of log files that are never deleted, eventually filling the host's disk: (note th...
Hello there, Is there a way to get the container logs with the docker-compose logs command as well beside the docker logs command, which is working well? I've got the standard config for the loki docker log driver like { "debug" : true, ...
"log-driver": "loki", "log-opts": { "loki-url": "http://ip_or_hostname_where_Loki_run:3100/loki/api/v1/push", "max-size": "50m", "max-file": "10" } } systemctl restart docker 生效 重新创建的 docker 才会正确输出日志 ...
dockerrun --log-driver=loki\--log-opt loki-url="https://<user_id>:<password>"\--log-opt loki-retries=5\--log-opt loki-batch-size=400\grafana/grafana Note The Loki logging driver still uses the json-log driver in combination with sending...
Logging Driver: json-file 1. 2. jason-file会将容器的日志保存在 json 文件中,Docker 负责格式化其内容并输出到 STDOUT 和 STDERR。 我们可以在 Host 的容器目录中找到这个文件,器路径为 /var/lib/docker/containers/<contariner ID>/<contariner ID>-json.log ...