1. 创建Repository 这一步比较简单, 只需要在 ECS 界面中, 点击 ECR 即可找到。 image.png 2. 查看 Push Commands 在创建完 Repo 以后, 选中特定的 Repository 则会发现 “View push Commands”, 按钮就可以按下去了。 image.png 3. 按照提示步骤完成 弹出的对话框中, 会出现步骤, 按照步骤依次完成即可。
attach Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container build Build an image from a Dockerfile commit Create a new image from a container's changes cp Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem create Create a new container diff Inspect changes...
$ sudo docker push ouruser/sinatra The push refers to a repository [ouruser/sinatra] (len:1) Sending image list Pushing repository ouruser/sinatra (3 tags) 5)存出/载入/移除 root@Ubuntu14:~/test-dir# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ubuntu14.04 7fde2af6297a 3minutes ag...
[root@docker201.yinzhengjie.com~]# docker image pull nginx:1.17# 下载nginx镜像,我此处指定了tag版本,因此会根据我指定的tag编号来下载对应的镜像哟~温馨提示: 下载的镜像名称由两部分组成,即"仓库名称(REPOSITORY):标签名称(TAG)"。如下图所示,下载的镜像时若只指定了REPOSITORY,则会使用默认的tag版本为latest。
REPOSITORY:镜像名称 TAG:镜像标签 IMAGE ID:镜像ID CREATED:镜像的创建日期(不是获取该镜像的日期) SIZE:镜像大小 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 这些镜像都是存储在Docker宿主机的/var/lib/docker目录下 3.1.2搜索镜像 docker search 镜像名称
I am building an image for a docker container running on a different architecture. As I don’t have internet access all the time, I usually just pull the image when I have internet and docker uses the local image instead …
Pull an image from Docker Hub To download a particular image, or set of images (i.e., a repository), usedocker image pull(or thedocker pullshorthand). If no tag is provided, Docker Engine uses the:latesttag as a default. This example pulls thedebian:latestimage: ...
#查看镜像[root@docker~]# docker imagesREPOSITORYTAGIMAGEIDCREATEDSIZEmycentos nginx d5a3dabc2f102minutes ago 522MB centos7eeb6ee3f44bd17months ago 204MB[root@docker~]# 启动镜像:(选取主机host模式) 代码语言:javascript 复制 [root@docker~]# docker run-itd--net=host mycentos:nginx/usr/local/ngi...
(0) 18 hours ago sleepy_clarke linuxidc@linuxidc:~/docker$ docker commit 93a1b9d39683 learn/nginx:v2 sha256:ab92edd21696770f1eb37e9229b6834094a8d3381e5b4e9edc620b7927004bb4 linuxidc@linuxidc:~/docker$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE learn/nginx v2 ab92edd21696 5 ...
This means that, for example, docker images jav does not match the image java. If both REPOSITORY and TAG are provided, only images matching that repository and tag are listed. To find all local images in the java repository with tag 8 you can use:...