docker images 有2个image docker image list 一、docker 镜像介绍 docker images是d acker的三大组件之一, docker把下毅的images存健到docker主机上, 如果一个image不在主机上,docker会从一个镜像仓库下, 默认的仓库是DOCKER HUB公共仓库, 接下来将介绍更多关于docker images的内容, 包括:·使用和管理本地主机上的...
$ docker images -f label=com.example.version=0.1 ... 以特定格式显示 默认情况下,docker images 会输出一个完整的表格,但是我们并非所有时候都会需要这些内容。比如,刚才删除虚悬镜像的时候,我们需要利用 docker images 把所有的虚悬镜像的 ID 列出来,然后才可以交给 docker rmi 命令作为参数来删除指定的这些镜...
The push refers to a repository [ouruser/sinatra] (len:1) Sending image list Pushing repository ouruser/sinatra (3 tags) 5)存出/载入/移除 root@Ubuntu14:~/test-dir# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ubuntu14.04 7fde2af6297a 3minutes ago 0B <none> <none> 1ba1618e54b...
docker image listdocker images Description The defaultdocker imageswill show all top level images, their repository and tags, and their size. Docker images have intermediate layers that increase reusability, decrease disk usage, and speed updocker buildby allowing each step to be cached. These inter...
➜~ docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq) #删除全部的镜像 容器命令 docker run 镜像id 新建容器并启动 dockerps列出所有运行的容器 docker container list dockerrm容器id 删除指定容器 docker start 容器id #启动容器 docker restart 容器id #重启容器 ...
docker image listdocker images Description The defaultdocker imageswill show all top level images, their repository and tags, and their size. Docker images have intermediate layers that increase reusability, decrease disk usage, and speed updocker buildby allowing each step to be cached. These inter...
history Show the history of an image images List images import Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image info Display system-wide information inspect Return low-level information on Docker objects kill Kill one or more running containers ...
dockerrmi$(dockerimages-a-q) Copy Removing Containers Remove one or more specific containers Use thedocker pscommand with the-aflag to locate the name or ID of the containers you want to remove: List: dockerps-a Copy Remove: dockerrmID_or_NameID_or_Name ...
I have configured docker private registry (registry:2 ) and am able to push the images created by me, so that my team can use the same.I have been pushing many images to it successfully. I would like to know how to list all images in my private registry, is there any command to fi...
2.1 docker images 列出本地主机上的镜像,我们前面执行了一个hello-world的案例,此时我们的docker中应该是有一个hello-world的镜像的,如下 各选项说明: 同一仓库源可以有多个 TAG,代表这个仓库源的不同个版本,我们使用 REPOSITORY:TAG 来定义不同的镜像。