Hello, I’ve searched and looked through active issues but wasn’t able to find any similar posts. When I first start Docker Desktop the Kubernetes indicator stays yellow for a long time and finally fails to start, turnin…
Hello, I’ve searched and looked through active issues but wasn’t able to find any similar posts. When I first start Docker Desktop the Kubernetes indicator stays yellow for a long time and finally fails to start, turnin…
Description I have upgraded Docker Desktop to latest version 1.27.x and wanted to switch kubernetes on. It ends up in a red icon with 'Kubernetes failed to start'. Error I can see in kubelet.log is: [2024-02-12T17:53:28.464961214Z][kubelet][I] E0212 17:53:28.464846 1461 run.go:74...
在使用Kubernetes(K8S)过程中,有时候会遇到“failed to start docker.service”错误,这可能会导致Docker无法正常启动,从而影响K8S集群的运行。本文将介绍如何解决这一问题,帮助你快速修复Docker启动错误。 ## 解决步骤 下面是解决“failed to start docker.service”错误的步骤,每一步都对应着需要执行的操作和代码: | ...
我本机安装了Docker Desktop for mac,我想启用k8s,我先用阿里云镜像下载了k8s需要的镜像,参考https://github.com/AliyunContainerService/k8s-for-docker-desktop/blob/master/README.md, 但是本地的k8s状态一直是failed to start, Reset和重启都不行。 如图: 但是奇怪的是我在终端里使用kubectl cluster-info 和...
I opened the docker desktop. And it is running successfully, But the problem is when enable Kubernetes in docker desktop it takes time install Kubectl as usual. After 10-15 min it shows Kubernetes failed to start. I also reset the Kubernetes cluster ...
7、遇到的问题 (1)Failed to start docker.service: Unit not found. sudosystemctl start docker Failed to start docker.service: Unit not found. docker.service启动失败:Unit not found (2)docker: command not found 问题原因都是上面框红框处哪里的问题。
方法一:更新Linux内核、yum包;删除旧版本的docker,重新安装、重启服务器、重启服务。 卸载:yum remove docker-* 更新Linux内核、yum包:yum update 通过管理员安装 docker 容器 :sudo yum install docker 下一步重启服务器(相当于杀掉所有docker进程) 重启服务:systemctl start docker 查看容器状态:systemctl status ...
kubernetes报错笔记 (五)docker异常记录 1. docker进程僵死无法启动服务 #查看docker状态异常 #使用systemctl (start、restart、stop) docker 均会卡死 #查看/run/containerd没有配置信息 #查看该服务进程 ps -ef | grep docker #手动进行杀死恢复 kill -s 9 pid...
Kubernetes cluster may not start if Registry Access Manager is enabled. As a workaround, add registry.k8s.io and <geo>-docker.pkg.dev to Registry Access Management policies. For Mac If you’re seeing a security popup about a malware on com.docker.vmnetd or com.docker.socket, follow the ...