pleade add --insecure-registryhttp://gcr.ioto daemon's arguments 解决方案:点击Docker的Preference菜单: 点击Daemon标签页,在Insecureregistries里维护记录: 将错误信息里提到的http://gcr.io维护进Insecure registries, 点击按钮"Apply & Restart", 重新启动Docker Daemon: 之后错误消息消失。本解决方案在Mac OS上...
Sponsor Registry:第三方的registry,供客户和docker社区使用; mirror Registry:第三方的registry,只让客户使用;如docker cn和阿里云的镜像加速器; vendor Registry:服务商的registry,由发布docker镜像的供应商提供的registry;如红帽提供的专有的,收费提供; private Registry:通过设有防火墙和额外的安全层的私有实体提供的reg...
Fixed docker diff not working correctly when called multiple times concurrently for the same container. Fixed docker push not reusing layers when pushing layers to different repositories on the same registry. Docker Init: Fixed outdated links to Docker documentation included in generated files Add suppo...
Fixed docker diff not working correctly when called multiple times concurrently for the same container. Fixed docker push not reusing layers when pushing layers to different repositories on the same registry. Docker Init: Fixed outdated links to Docker documentation included in generated files Add suppo...
My DockerHub broke after I introduced the “insecure-registry” property into the Docker Desktop > Settings > Docker Engine > daemon.json config. The Hub cannot load pages when I’m logged out, and it is constantly restarti…
Name: docker-registry.default.svc.cluster.local Address: [root@master ~]# When I perform a curl command that also resolves properly [root@master ~]# curl -v https://docker-registry.default.svc:5000 --insecure * About to connect() to docker-registry.default.svc port 5000 (...
方法一 [root@k8s-master01]# vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --insecure-registry [root@k8s-master01]#
docker pull registry:2.8.3 1. 创建镜像仓库 docker run -tid --restart=always --name registry -p 80:5000 -v /data/registry:/var/lib/registry registry:2.8.3 1. 检查状态 $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES ...
我们如果需要部署一个私有镜像仓库来使用,最简单的就是 registry ,一行命令就可以运行在 Docker 中,但功能也比较弱,如果想要私有镜像仓库功能更丰富些,可以使用 Harbor 。 本文简单介绍下 Harbor 的安装和使用。 环境 服务器:CentOS 7 ,Harbor 部署在内网,通过 nginx 反向代理发布到外网使用 ...
This worked with docker 1.9 on my machine because I have --insecure-registry added to the DOCKER_OPTS in /etc/defaults/docker. Also I registered the certificate system wide. curl works without providing the certificate explicitly Describe the results you received: Error...