hyper=debug“-e OPENSSL_STATIC=1 -e OPENSSL_DIR=/usr/local /musl锈病货物构建-发布-功能”日志“ 在构建了新的停靠映像之后,获取一个外壳: docker run -i -e ROCKET_ENV=prod -e ROCKET_ADDRESS= -e RUST_LOG="rusoto,hyper=debug“dockerimagename /bin/zsh 在那里,我通过...
docker images镜像构建build结果如下图所示 docker run -itd my:v1测试导入ssl模块,openssl正常,如下图所示 docker-compose version:'3.7' volumes: myscan_db: external:true services: web: image:zpchcbd/myscan_web:v3 container_name:myscan_web restart:unless-stopped tty:true ports: -7878:80 depends_on...
然后编写 docker-composer.yml,使用 docker-compose up -d 运行。 version: '3' services: db: container_name: db image: mariadb:latest web: container_name: web image: 'wwtg99/docker-nginx-php7:0.1' depends_on: - db links: - 'db:db' 这就构建了和上面一样的两个容器,后面就可以使用 kube...
Every Docker container is based on an image.Images are the underlying definition of what gets reconstituted into a running container, much like a virtual disk becomes a virtual machine when you start it up. Docker images provide the basis for everything that you will ever deploy and run with ...
$ docker tag ubuntu:17.10 username/ubuntu:17.10 $ docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ubuntu 17.10 e211a66937c6 3 months ago 100MB wuweixiang/ubuntu 17.10 e211a66937c6 3 months ago 100MB [root@iZwz9eftauv7x69f5jvi96Z ~]# docker login Login with your Docker ID to push...
PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) with an emphasis on extensibility and standards-compliance [source]. This image has been built with the following PostgreSQL modules: --with-openssl: Support for TLS connections to Postgres (5433, see bellow how to enable) ...
作者:费良宏 https://aws.amazon.com/cn/blogs/china/choose-the-best-docker-image-for-your-python-application/ 前言 在使用 Python 的早些年,为了解决 Python 包的隔离与管理 virtualenvwrapper 就成为我的工具箱中重要的一员。后来,随着 Python 3 的普及,virtualenvwrapper 逐渐被 venv 所替换。毕竟 venv 是...
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE enmotech/opengauss latest e6b31cb4b7b9 3 months ago 245MB opengauss latest e6b31cb4b7b9 3 months ago 245MB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 这样宿主机上的openGauss镜像就换了个名字,原create_master_slave.sh无需修改。在执行脚本的时候version还是输...
先安装 docker 软件,下载数据库 Docker image,启动 Docker,进入数据库,初体验。 2.1.安装 docker 软件 [root@node1 ~]#yum -y install docker #检查 docker 的版本: docker -v Docker version 1.13.1, build 64e9980/1.13.1 2.2.配置、启动 docker 服务 ...