Docker image containing AWS CLI, AWS Shell, and some scripts to ease AWS deployments. Usage Build Locally If you want to build and use your own local image # build image locally $ make build # go inside the container $ make shell Environment Variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= AWS_SECRET_ACCESS...
docker login -u AWS -p eyJwYXlsb2FkIjoiZWN0bHVq 1. 操作创建docker镜像并上传到aws镜像仓库 docker build -t zzq/zzqimage:v1 . aws ecr create-repository --repository-name bigdata/zzq docker tag zzq/zzqimage:v1 Docker ...
This topic describes how to run, version control, and configure the AWS CLI version 2 on Docker using either the official Amazon ECR Public or Docker Hub image.
I agree, an official image on DockerHub (with tags for each release) would be great. Since the Dockerfile is already in place, just setting up an automatic DockerHub build for the repository will not be too difficult. Currently, there are many unofficial images out there, but for all of...
gitclone Bash You now use the AWS CLI to deploy the CloudFormation templates. Make sure to leave the CloudFormation template names as written in this post. ...
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION)build:commands:-echo Build started on `date`-echo Building the Docker manifest...-export DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled-docker manifest create $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$$IMAGE_REPO_NAME $
Simplify the development of your multi-container applications from Docker CLI to Amazon EKS and Serverless. Seamlessly bring container applications from your local machine and run them in Azure Container Instances. Easily distribute and share Docker images with the JFrog Artifactory image repository and...
$ AWS_CLI_VERSION=2.17.52 ./aws-cli-session-manager --version $ IMAGE=kineticcafe/aws-cli-session-manager:latest ./aws-cli-session-manager --version This script attempts to be intelligent about enabling TTY and interactive support for the image run, but non-interactive mode can be forced w...
AWS CLI Functionality: The AWS CLI works correctly with the federation token, suggesting that the problem likely lies within GDAL. Steps to reproduce the issue Launch docker container on EC2 instance set env vars from federation token values: ...