are appropriate aliases for the same image contents. In Docker, thelatesttag is a special case, but it's a bit of a misnomer;latestreally is the "default" tag. When one doesdocker run xyz, Docker interprets that to meandocker run xyz:latest. Given that background, no other tag ever ...
Note that while it is possible to provide just the name of the image, it is better practice to also specify the registry you want to pull from and the namespace in which the particular image is published. The naming convention follows this order: [registry/][namespac...
# string. Optional. Use when action = Build an image. Build Arguments.#defaultContext: true # boolean. Optional. Use when action = Build an image. Use Default Build Context. Default: true.#context: # string. Optional. Use when action = Build an image && defaultContext = false. Build Co...
# Specifies that the latest microsoft/iis image will be used as the base image# Used to specify which base container image will be used by the build process.# Notice that the naming convention is "**owner/application name : tag name**"# (shown as microsoft/iis:latest); so in our case...
The image whose tag has_slimpostfix is specially trimmed for smaller image size, and its functionality may be incomplete for your application. Dockerfile of image Pull the image For example(if the current latest version is 8.12.13): ...
According to that naming convention, the unofficial image name should be named as follows: <username>/<image_name>:<tag_name>. In my case, I need to rename it as gauravvv/example_image:latest $ docker tag example_image:latest gauravvv/example_image:latest Publish the image $ docker ...
registry, you’re restricted to a two level hierarchy while naming images. For example, your image cannot have the namea/b/c:1.This restriction usually doesn’t exist in private registries. As stated before, it’s not mandatory to specify atag_name.We’ll see what happens in that case ...
imageNamesPath-映像名称路径 string. 当tagMultipleImages = true || pushMultipleImages = true时,需要此选项。 指定文本文件的路径,该文件包含要标记或推送的 Docker 映像的名称。 在单独的行中列出每个映像名称。 qualifyImageName-限定映像名称 boolean. 可选。 在时command = Build an image || command = ...
are appropriate aliases for the same image contents. In Docker, thelatesttag is a special case, but it's a bit of a misnomer;latestreally is the "default" tag. When one doesdocker run xyz, Docker interprets that to meandocker run xyz:latest. Given that background, no other tag ever ...
To use an image tag, add the following code to the manifest file:docker::run { 'helloworld': image => 'ubuntu:precise', command => '/bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"', } By default, when the service stops or starts, the generated init scripts remove...