或者,使用重定向: bash cat your_image.tar | docker load 建议查看官方文档: 如果用户的问题仍未解决,建议查看 Docker 官方文档 或搜索相关错误信息以获取更多帮助。 通过以上步骤,用户应该能够正确理解和使用 docker load 命令,从而避免遇到 "docker load" accepts no arguments 的错误。
这里`-i`参数表示输入文件,后面跟着你要加载的镜像文件名,比如`your_image.tar`。确保文件路径和文件名是正确的。 ``` docker load -i your_image.tar ``` 通过以上步骤和代码示例,你应该可以成功解决“\docker load\" accepts no arguments."的问题了。如果你还有其他关于Docker或者Kubernetes的问题,都可以随时...
我的镜像是别人提供的,通过docker load -icentos67sslcert3.tar命令进行导入的,centos67sslcert3.tar为别人提供的docker镜像文件,这里面的IMAGEID指的是镜像的ID,REPOSITORY字段可以通过docker tag 5e centos67sslcert3方式进行修改。如果没有别人给你提供镜像,可以使用dockersearch和docker pull去docker官方下载需要的...
When you run this image, you'll see the single PID 1 process: $ docker run -it --rm --name test top Mem: 1704520K used, 352148K free, 0K shrd, 0K buff, 140368121167873K cached CPU: 5% usr 0% sys 0% nic 94% idle 0% io 0% irq 0% sirq Load average: 0.08 0.03 0.05 2/...
-H also accepts short form for TCP bindings: host: or host:port or :port Run Docker in daemon mode: $ sudo <path to>/dockerd -H & Download an ubuntu image: $ docker -H :5555 pull ubuntu You can use multiple -H, for example, if you want to listen on both TCP...
For debugging, you can connect to the selenium image using a VCN client. Connect with the VCN option and127.0.0.1:5900, (default password:secret) Runbin/mftf doctorto validate all sections are setup correctly. Find more infohereabout mftf configuration. ...
[internal] load build context 0.3s => => transferring context: 66.50MB 0.3s => [2/2] COPY seckill-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /seckill-server.jar 0.3s => exporting to image 0.2s => => exporting layers 0.1s => => writing image sha256:46364af4ee57b24596899a0d6a8ac9285081206f50a8a72...
.github/workflows/dockers-loadtest-image.yaml (1) Line range hint 17-74: Maintain consistency across workflow files The workflow structure is consistent with other files, which is good. However, consider extracting common path patterns into reusable workflow templates to reduce duplication and maintena...
load Load an image from a tar archive # 从一个 tar 包中加载一个镜像[对应 save] login Register or Login to the docker registry server # 注册或者登陆一个 docker 源服务器 logout Log out from a Docker registry server # 从当前 Docker registry 退出 logs Fetch the logs of a container # 输...
docker load 没有名称 docker load accepts no arguments 设置私有仓库 双击打开docker的desktop程序,进入到设置 选择docker 引擎(Docker Engine) 添加 设置 私有仓库地址 registry-mirrors 和 insecure-registries 我的私有仓库地址为我的端口默认为80,有些私有仓库在搭建时设置的是5000,注意端口)...