打开终端或命令提示符,并运行以下命令来拉取Code-Server的Docker镜像: docker pull code-server/code-server 这将从Docker Hub上拉取Code-Server的最新镜像。 运行Code-Server容器:一旦您拉取了Code-Server镜像,您可以使用以下命令来运行容器: docker run -p 8443:8443 -e PASSWORD=<your_password> --name code-...
---version:"2.1"services:code-server:image:code-server-nodejs:v0.1container_name:code-serverenvironment:-PUID=1000-PGID=1000-TZ=Asia/Shanghai-PASSWORD=mypasswd-HASHED_PASSWORD=参考前文设定-SUDO_PASSWORD=mypasswd-SUDO_PASSWORD_HASH=参考前文设定-PROXY_DOMAIN=your.web.site #optional-DEFAULT_WORKSPAC...
安装完后重启容器即可,例如 docker restart code-server-container 本人使用以上方案是因为在容器内进行项目的编写,一般容器的用法是容器仅提供单一功能,使用中不改变容器内结构的,因此可以定期更新镜像进行更新。有需要的小伙伴可以进入官方docker hub镜像,学习Updating Info章节内容: Most of our images are static, ver...
Docker仓库是用来包含镜像的位置,Docker提供一个注册服务器(Register)来保存多个仓库,每个仓库又可以包含多个具备不同tag的镜像。 Docker运行中使用的默认仓库是 Docker Hub 公共仓库 2、docker公有仓库和私有仓库的区别 公有仓库:Docker官方提供一个公共仓库,称为Docker Hub。任何人都可以在Docker Hub上创建帐户,并在...
4 配置 code-server 4.1 显示顶部菜单 左上角 -> View -> Appearance -> Show Menu Bar 4.2 ...
A Docker registry stores Docker images. Docker Hub is a public registry that anyone can use, and Docker looks for images on Docker Hub by default. You can even run your own private registry. When you use thedocker pullordocker runcommands, Docker pulls the required images from your configure...
react docker rust cli terminal server docker-container docker-image container update self-hosted updates dockerhub update-checker tailwindcss Updated Mar 26, 2025 Rust peter-evans / dockerhub-description Sponsor Star 347 Code Issues Pull requests A GitHub action to update a Docker Hub repository...
*OpenLDAP: [BETA] LDAP support available (only in 1.1-latest for now) Supporting multiple virtual domains over MySQL/PostgreSQL backend Integration tests with Travis CI Automated builds on DockerHubSummarymailserver2/mailserver Fork Chat & questions Build Docker image Summary System Requirements With...
Fixed docker push/pull authentication not being sent to non-DockerHub registries in cases where ServerAddress is not provided. Fixed docker history reporting wrong IDs and tags. Fixed docker tag not preserving internal metadata. Fixed docker commit when the daemon configured with --userns-remap. Fi...
Publish your image on Docker Hub Share your application with the world (or other developers on your team). Sign up for free Choose a subscription that’s right for you Find your perfect balance of collaboration, security, and support with a Docker subscription. ...