使用getting-started给仓库设置名字,保证可见性为 Public 推送镜像# $ docker push docker/getting-started The push refers to repository [docker.io/docker/getting-started] An image does not exist locally with the tag: docker/getting-started 在命令行中,尝试运行在Docker Hub上看到的push命令。请注意,您的...
$ docker push docker/getting-started The push refers to repository [docker.io/docker/getting-started] An image does not exist locally with the tag: docker/getting-started 为什么失败了?push命令是在寻找一个名为docker/getting-started的镜像,但找不到一个。如果运行docker image ls,您也不会看到一个。
CMD ["node","src/index.js"] docker tag SOURCE_IMAGE[:TAG] TARGET_IMAGE[:TAG] docker tag getting-started YOUR-USER-NAME/getting-started .现在再次尝试您的push命令。如果您正在从Docker Hub复制值,可以省略tagname部分,因为我们没有为镜像名称添加标签。如果不指定标签,Docker将使用一个名为latest的标签。
此命令会列出所有本地的Docker镜像。您需要查看列表中是否包含名为docker/getting-started且标签为latest的镜像。 2. 如果不存在,则执行docker pull命令拉取名为'docker/getting-started'的镜像 如果确认本地不存在该镜像,您可以使用docker pull命令从Docker Hub(或其他配置的镜像仓库)拉取该镜像。在命令行或终端中执行...
Home/Get started/Docker workshop/Part 8: Image-building best practices Image layering Using thedocker image historycommand, you can see the command that was used to create each layer within an image. Use thedocker image historycommand to see the layers in thegetting-startedimage you created. ...
如果你已经安装了docker(别忘记先启动),可以通过以下命令快启动getting-started,查看其内容: #从docker hub拉取镜像到本地,docker是用户名,后面的是镜像名称 $ docker pull docker/getting-started # 显示本地安装镜像 $ docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ...
点击Create Repository,输入仓库名,如: docker_username/image_name,其中 docker_username 是注册服务器的用户名(固定的仓库名前缀),只需要输入 image_name 即可。 选择 公有(Public) 或 私有(Private),点击 Create 创建仓库。 推送仓库示例: # 推送前需要先打一个标签, 为了让 镜像仓库名称 与 注册服务器上创建...
image :镜像操作 history :查看image创建时每个layer的执行过程 --no-trunc :显示省略的内容 13. docker inspect getting-started inspect : 查看容器的详细信息 二、docker-compose指令 1. docker-compose version verson :查看版本 2. docker-compose up -d ...
Home / Get started Get started If you're new to Docker, this section guides you through the essential resources to get started. Follow the guides to help you get started and learn how Docker can optimize your development workflows. For more advanced concepts and scenarios in Docker, see ...
Create an Image You can create a new Docker image usingCorretto's official Docker Hub image. Create a Dockerfile with the following content. FROMamazoncorretto:11RUNecho$' \ public class Hello{\ public static void main(String[] args){\ System.out.println("Welcome to Amazon Corretto!"); \...