The “context deadline exceeded” error indicates that the operation performed by the etcd-client took longer than the specified context deadline. The etcd-client uses contexts to manage concurrent operations and set deadlines to ensure timely execution. If a request takes longer to complete than t...
最后,我们将创建 apisix 容器,并将其连接到 etcd 容器以使用 etcd 作为后端存储。执行以下命令: dockerrun-d-p9080:9080--name=apisix\--linketcd:etcd\-e"ETCD_UNSUPPORTED_ARCH=amd64"\-e"ETCD_ENDPOINTS=http://etcd:2379"\-v/usr/local/apisix/logs:/usr/local/apisix/logs\-v/usr/local/apisix/conf...
docker安装apisix-dashboard出现serving insecure client requests on, context deadline exceeded 原因 原因是etcd启动时listen-client-urls是本机地址 apisix启动时无法访问etcd导致启动失败 解决方法 etcd启动时增加 --listen-client-urls 'http://本机ip:2379' apisix启动配置etcd的地址改为上述地址即...
nohup etcd --config-file=/root/node-02.yml > /root/nohup-node-02.out 检查节点状态 etcdctl --write-out=table endpoint status 如果发生这样的错误 [root@localhost ~]# etcdctl --write-out=table endpoint status Failed to get the status of endpoint (context deadline exceeded) 那...
摘要:1、etcd没有启动的 [root@mcwk8s03 ~]# kubectl get nodesUnable to connect to the server: context deadline exceeded 启动之后就可以使用了 [root@mcwk8s03 ~]# kubectl get n 阅读全文 posted @ 2023-12-12 16:46 马昌伟 阅读(97) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 kubeadm...
connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.\""}context deadline exceeded 2.使用代码的形式把我们的服务注册到我们的ECTD上: 修改注册中心代码: 使用的是:"" packagemainimport(""log"
the error : etcd get failed : context deadline exceeded fychahacommentedApr 30, 2024 this is my docker-compose.yaml version: "3" services: apisix-dashboard: image: apache/apisix-dashboard:3.0.1-alpine restart: always volumes: - ./dashboard_conf/conf.yaml:/usr/local/apisix-dashboard/conf...
【Go-Zero】Windows启动rpc服务报错panic:context deadline exceeded解决方案 Go面试向 【Go面试向】defer与time.sleep初探 【Go面试向】defer与return的执行顺序初探 【Go面试向】Go程序的执行顺序 【Go面试向】rune和byte类型的认识与使用 【Go面试向】实现map稳定的有序遍历的方式 ...
编写docker-compose.yml 启动 设置数据路径权限 ./data目录在容器启动时会被自动创建,此时如果向etcd中存储数据,会直接报错如下: 原因是因为默认情况...
Kubernetes - Pod from StatefulSet stuck in, RunPodSandbox from runtime service failed: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded CreatePodSandbox for pod … Kubelet Service Appears to be Unhealthy or Inactive - This is ...