Error “Socket Hang Up” In Docker Docker avoids repetitive, tedious config processes and is used across the development lifecycle for quick, simple, and portable app development – desktop and cloud. Its full end-to-end platform comprises UIs, CLIs, APIs, and security that are designed to ope...
Connecting to Mssql from Docker not success. Everything's fine when I run the code from host. But when I run the code inside Docker container, the connection not success and has the following error: [SequelizeConnectionError]: Failed to ...
首先,我重新执行了一遍测试过程,发现生产服务器上的微服务上的这个上传头像的接口确实不可用. 然后,我在本地启动了一下微服务,同样测试了一下微服务.发现还是不可用.同时,通过本地打印错误日志,发现错误是在执行保存图片这个写操作的时候:Error: socket hang up. 开始以为是网络故障,但是访问网页以及通过SSH登陆到那...
首先,我重新执行了一遍测试过程,发现生产服务器上的微服务上的这个上传头像的接口确实不可用. 然后,我在本地启动了一下微服务,同样测试了一下微服务.发现还是不可用.同时,通过本地打印错误日志,发现错误是在执行保存图片这个写操作的时候:Error: socket hang up. 开始以为是网络故障,但是访问网页以及通过SSH登陆到那...
Fixed a bug where installer is failing on setting up the docker socket when missing /Library/LaunchDaemons. Fixes docker/for-mac#6967. Fixed a permission denied error when binding a privileged port to a non-localhost IP on macOS. Fixes docker/for-mac#697. Fixed a resource leak introduced ...
Fixed a bug where installer is failing on setting up the docker socket when missing /Library/LaunchDaemons. Fixes docker/for-mac#6967. Fixed a permission denied error when binding a privileged port to a non-localhost IP on macOS. Fixes docker/for-mac#697. Fixed a resource leak introduced ...
docker hang死的根因是什么? docker hang死时,为什么重启kubelet,会导致宿主状态变为NotReady? 2.重启kubelet变更宿主状态 kubelet重启后宿主状态从Ready变为NotReady,这个问题相较docker hang死而言,没有那么复杂,所以我们先排查这个问题。 kubelet针对宿主会设置多个Condition,表明宿主当前所处的状态,比如宿主内存是否告急...
RequestError: Error: socket hang up at new RequestError (/usr/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/errors.js:14:15) at (/usr/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/plumbing.js:87:29) at Request.RP$callback [as _...
Previously, this was failing with Error \ starting userland proxy: listen tcp6 [::]:80: socket: address family not supported by protocol. 1. 2. 3. [解决方法] 通过如上所示的报错信息,可以看到服务的启动端口绑定到了 tcp6 上面了,但是对应的 socket 发现系统本身并不支持。这时,我们一看下对应的...
docker run -p 80:80 nginx:alpine succeeds. Previously, this was failing with Error \ starting userland proxy: listen tcp6 [::]:80: socket: address family not supported by protocol. [解决方法] 通过如上所示的报错信息,可以看到服务的启动端口绑定到了 tcp6 上面了,但是对应的 socket 发现系统本身并...