docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?. 答案来自这个问题的评论 Why am I getting a "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon" error in WSL2? unset DOCKER_HOST就能解决,虽然我试了试env | grep DOCKER但没有找到相应的记录。 在D...
touch ~/.easyconn docker run --device /dev/net/tun --cap-add NET_ADMIN -ti -v $HOME/.easyconn:/root/.easyconn -p -e EC_VER=7.6.7 hagb/docker-easyconnect:cli 其中-e EC_VER=7.6.7 表示使用 7.6.7 版本的 EasyConnect,请根据实际情况修改版本号,根据提示输入服务器...
rm: cannot remove '/usr/share/sangfor/EasyConnect/resources/conf/easy_connect.json': No such file or directory No protocol specified
When starting Docker Desktop as a non-admin user, the following error connect ENOENT \\.\pipe\errorReporter might be triggered if the user is not a member of the docker-users group. This can be resolved by adding the user to the docker-users group. Before starting Docker Desktop, make su...
Connect Meet the community Stop by any of the hundreds of meetups around the world for in-person banter or join our Slack and Discourse for virtual peer support. Our Docker Captains are also a great source of developer insight and expertise. ...
Docker Desktop is an easy-to-install application for your Mac, Windows or Linux environment that enables you to build and share containerized applications and microservices. Docker Desktop includes the Docker daemon (dockerd), the Docker client (docker), Docker Compose, Docker Content Trust, Kubern...
Docker has made building, running, and sharing software easy, how can containers improve testing? Containers make it easier to run dependent services for your application so you can do testing locally. What if we could make container startup, data loading, and cleanup all part of the test scr...
Docker Tutorial for Beginners (Updated 2019 version)— In this Docker tutorial, you'll learn all the basics and learn how you can containerize Node.js and Go applications. Even if you aren't familiar with these languages it should be easy for you to follow this tutorial and use any other...
daemon美: [ˈdimən] 英: [ˈdiːmən] n. (古希腊神话中的)半神半人的精灵 网络 守护进程;守护程序;虚拟光驱 词形: daemons daemones Each daemon usually has its own log file, which makes it easy to hunt down issues when a service fails. ...
Before running this script, make yourself familiar # with potential risks and limitations, and refer to the installation manual # at for alternative installation methods. # # The script: # # - Requires `root` or `sudo` privileges to run. # - ...