$ java -jar swarm-client.jar -master <jenkins_master_url> -username <jenkins_master_user> -password <jenkins_master_password> -name jenkins-swarm-slave-1 在撰写本书时,存在一个client-slave.jar无法通过安全的 HTTPS 协议工作的未解决错误,因此需要在命令执行中添加-disableSslVerification选项。 成功执...
The --feature option lets you enable or disable a feature in the daemon. This option corresponds with the "features" field in the daemon.json configuration file. Features should only be configured either through the --feature command line option or through the "features" field in the configurat...
docker run --name gitlab -d \ --env 'GITLAB_HTTPS=true' --env 'SSL_SELF_SIGNED=true' \ --env 'NGINX_HSTS_MAXAGE=2592000' \ --volume /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab:/home/git/data \ sameersbn/gitlab:17.8.2 If you want to completely disable HSTS set NGINX_HSTS_ENABLED to false. Us...
There are quite a few related questions on StackOverflow, but no solutions I found really apply to this case (and it is not an option to disable verification, which is quite frequently a suggested solution): Unable to resolve "unable to get local issuer certificate" using git on Windows wit...
Important In Docker 1.13, the managed plugin api changed, as compared to the experimental version introduced in Docker 1.12. You mustuninstallplugins which you installed with Docker 1.12beforeupgrading to Docker 1.13. You can uninstall plugins using thedocker plugin rmcommand. ...
Docker image Python script Listing images Username and password Deleting images Disable ssl verification Nexus docker registry Important notes garbage-collection in docker-registry enable image deletion in docker-registry Contribution Installation Docker image ...
mkdir -p /data/volumes/{auth_server/{config,ssl},docker_registry/data} 1. 7.2 配置签名证书 证书可以去认证机构购买签名证书,此处我们使用openssl生成证书。 一般情况下,证书只支持域名访问,要使其支持IP地址访问,需要修改配置文件openssl配置文件,再进行证书生成。 在CentOS7系统中,文件存储位置为/etc/pki/tls...
- xpack.security.transport.ssl.verification_mode=certificate - xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path=elastic-stack-ca.p12 - xpack.security.transport.ssl.truststore.path=elastic-stack-ca.p12 - xpack.security.transport.ssl.truststore.type=PKCS12 ...
DATABASE_CONNECTION_POOL_MAX=# Uncomment this to disable SSL for connecting to Postgres# PGSSLMODE=disable# For redis you can either specify an ioredis compatible url like thisREDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379# or alternatively, if you would like to provide additional connection options,# use ...