This tutorial will discuss how to attach and detach from a running Docker container. 1. Container Modes We can run a Docker container in different modes: default, interactive, and detached. Let us understand them. 1.1. Default Mode We can create a container using a container run child command...
To stop a container, useCTRL-c. This key sequence sendsSIGKILLto the container. If--sig-proxyis true (the default),CTRL-csends aSIGINTto the container. If the container was run with-iand-t, you can detach from a container and leave it running using theCTRL-p CTRL-qkey sequence. ...
Once attached to a container, users detach from it and leave it running using the usingCTRL-p CTRL-qkey sequence. This detach key sequence is customizable using thedetachKeysproperty. Specify a<sequence>value for the property. The format of the<sequence>is a comma-separated list of either a...
docker container export 和 docker image import 和 docker container commit 的关系:export可将容器当前的文件系统根目录文件递归全部导出,然后import可将其导入用以创建一个镜像(这类镜像在导入时需要额外添加启动命令、环境变量等参数),该镜像中会保留容器之前运行中产生的所有文件。而docker container commit就相当于...
[ARG...]OPTIONS:--cwd value working directory of the new process--tty, -t allocate a TTY for the container--detach, -d detach from the task after it has started execution--exec-id value exec specific id for the process--fifo-dir value directory used for storing IO FIFOs--log-uri ...
–-privileged container内的root拥有真正的root权限。否则,container内的root只是外部的一个普通用户权限。 ARG参数 传递给容器的命令,在docker ps中的COMMAND选项有显示。如果有传输的参数与COMMAND默认选项相斥,传递的优先级高。 实例: docker run--name mynginx -d nginx:latest 使用docker镜像nginx:latest以后台模式...
docker exec [options] container command [arg...] 参数 描述 –detach, -d 后台运行模式,在后台执行命令相关命令。 –detach-keys 覆盖容器后台运行的一些参数信息。 –env, -e 设置环境变量。 –interactive, -i 展示容器输入信息 STDIN。 –privileged 为命令提供一些扩展权限。 –tty, -t 命令行交互模式。
--checkpoint string Restore from this checkpoint --checkpoint-dir string Use a custom checkpoint storage directory --detach-keys string Override the key sequence for detaching a container -i, --interactive Attach container's STDIN 1. 2.
$ docker run -d busybox top# 启动一个容器,容器中运行top命令,这里-d表示detach模式$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 27c2844e3a5d busybox"top"5minutes ago Up5minutes sleepy_wilson 在容器中运行命令 $ docker run -it busybox# -it表示连接到容器中的tty/# lsbin...
docker 里面的tab docker detach 1.rmi只能删除host上的镜像,不会删除registry的镜像。如果一个镜像对应了多个tag,只有当最后一个tag被删除时,镜像才被真正删除。 2.search让我们无须打开浏览器,在命令行中就可以搜索Docker Hub中的镜像。 docker ps -a可查看全部容器,包括退出状态的:...