Docker desktop App on windows 11 is not starting. I have been stuck in here for 4 days. Tried everything I can do based on my knowledge. Clean OS reinstall, everything is up to date, etc. This is the C:\Users\admin\A…
进入Docker Desktop界面后往下滑,找到Download Docker Desktop,点击该链接进入下载界面 第三步: 在Docker Desktop下载界面中滑到界面下方找到Download and Install,点击链接正式进入安装适配电脑系统选择界面 第四步: 本文选“Docker Desktop for Windows”,这个可根据自己电脑系统选择对应的链接,然后进入下载须知界面 第五...
Try opening Docker Desktop, after some time it'll yield the following popup error Failed to deploy distro docker-desktop to C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Docker\wsl\distro: : Element not found. Some WSL system related access rights are not set correctly. This sometimes happens after waking the...
Description Docker Desktop 4.28.0 not starting on Windows 11. Reproduce Install Docker Desktop 4.28.0 with installer and/or upgrade from version 4.27.2. Running on Windows 11 Version 23H2 (OS build 22631). Expected behavior Docker Deskto...
Docker Desktop是一个在Windows和Mac操作系统上运行Docker的工具。有时候,用户可能会遇到Docker Desktop启动时卡在“Docker Desktop Starting…”的问题。这可能是由于多种原因导致的,比如系统资源不足、网络连接问题、错误配置等。下面是一些可能的解决方法: 检查系统资源:确保计算机的内存和处理器资源足够。如果系统资源不...
在安装了Windows11家庭中文版并使用Docker Desktop过程中,面对登录时总是显示"starting the Docker Engine"的情况,我通过网络查询并结合多位专家建议成功解决了问题,以下为详细步骤。首先,由于Windows11家庭版未自带Hyper-V虚拟机,需要手动安装。可参考相关教程,将特定代码复制到TXT...
Docker Desktop starting 启动后显示Docker Desktop starting,紧接着出现Docker Desktop stopping Docker Desktop stopping 这个问题出现的原因有可能是因为未开启虚拟机平台。需要打开虚拟机平台(也可能还需要打开适用于Linux的Windows子系统,建议也打开),等待计算机重启即可。
I also had the same problem with docker desktop 2.5.01. After restart the docker was not starting properly and manual start of the service also failed. But the following steps have worked. From search start “System Configuration” application. From the application go to the Services tab and...
步骤1 –已“终端(管理员)”方式打开“Windows PowerShell”。 步骤2 –现在,一个接一个地复制粘贴这两个终止代码,然后点击 输入 终止 Docker 桌面。 1wsl --terminate docker-desktop2wsl --terminate docker-desktop-data 步骤3 –传递这两个命令后,退出 PowerShell 接口。
前言 用了 Docker 方才觉得生产环境终于有了他该有的样子,就像集装箱普及之后大型货轮的价值才逐渐体现...