docker Windows远程桌面,#DockerWindows远程桌面##简介Docker是一个流行的容器化平台,可用于打包、分发和运行应用程序和服务。而远程桌面(RemoteDesktop)则是一种通过网络连接到其他计算机的方式,使得用户可以在远程计算机上运行和访问应用程序。在本文中,我们将介绍
docker run -itd -p 2060:22 -v /home/jason:/home/centos --name centos8 --privileged centos /usr/sbin/init # 指定centos7容器的名称为centos-desktop-vnc,并暴露宿主机的5901来连接vnc docker run --name centos-desktop-vnc --privileged -d -p 5901:5901 --ulimit memlock=-1 -td centos:7 /u...
Docker的RemoteAPI需要手动开启,开启远程RemoveAPI允许我们在同网段下的其他主机(例如开发机器)上调用,实现对目标Docker的操作(例如开发人员将新的后台服务镜像推送到此机器)。 为何标题强调Docker-Desktop,因为和Linux环境下的配置有所区别,Windows(Win 10/11)环境下Docker想要启动RemoveAPI(2375端口)需要执行如下过程: D...
git clone cd docker-remote-desktop You can then build the image with the supplied script: ./build Or run the following docker command: docker build -t docker-remote-desktop . Running local images with scripts I've created some simple ...
Building docker-remote-desktop on your own machine First, clone the GitHub repository: git clone cd docker-remote-desktop You can then build the image with the supplied script: ./build Or run the following docker command: docker build -...
2. Remote连接方式 LazyDocker Docker Desktop 小结 对于初学docker的小白,一款好的可视化工具有助于快速掌握docker基本形态和概念,下面针对docker可视化工具做些总结 ui-for-docker UI For Docker是一个使用Docker Remote API的web接口,目的是提供一个简洁纯净的客户端实现,为了连接和管理Docker; 该工具目前已经无人维护...
1、在Windows下安装Docker-desktop 下载: 2、安装:(先安装wsl) start /w"""docker_desktop_installer_windows_x86_64.exe"install--installation-dir=D:\Docker ...
For frequently asked questions about Docker Desktop releases, see FAQs. Docker Desktop versions older than 6 months from the latest release are not available for download. Previous release notes are available in our documentation repository. Take a look at the Docker Public Roadmap to see what's...
Make sure to install Docker Desktop 3.5.0 or higher before attempting to use Development Environments, though we always recommend being on the latest version. You’ll also need Git, Visual Studio Code (VSC), and the VSC Remote Containers Extension. Development Environments is still in beta, ...