步骤1:打开 Docker Desktop 首先,打开已经安装好的 Docker Desktop。你可以在电脑的应用程序列表中找到 Docker Desktop,并点击打开。 步骤2:登录到 Docker Hub 如果你要拉取的镜像位于 Docker Hub 上,你需要登录到你的 Docker Hub 账号。可以在 Docker Desktop 的界面上点击 “Sign In / Create Docker ID”,然后...
从Docker 镜像仓库获取镜像的命令是 docker pull其命令格式为: docker pull [选项] [Docker Registey 地址[:端口号]/] 镜像名[:标签] 1. 具体的选项可以通过 docker pull --help 命令看到,这里我们说一下镜像名称的格式。 Docker 镜像仓库地址: 地址的格式一般是<域名/IP>[:端口号]。如果使用默认镜像仓库,...
docker pull hub.c.163.com/library/mysql:latest 如果你拉取这个还不行的话,那就在电脑右下角托盘里,找docker的小鱼,右键有一个switch to Windows container或者是switch to Linux container,切一下看看效果。我是最后切成了Linux Container后拉取成功了。 8. 拉取后在docker desktop的image里就应该能看见了。
$ sudo <path to>/dockerd -H & Download an ubuntu image: $ docker -H :5555 pull ubuntu You can use multiple -H, for example, if you want to listen on both TCP and a Unix socket $ sudo dockerd -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock & # ...
Boost your productivity with Ask Gordon, an AI-powered assistant designed to optimize your Docker workflows. From improving Dockerfiles to troubleshooting containers, Gordon is here to help. Join the betaRead the docs Browse by section Docker Desktop ...
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/samples:aspnetapp 輸入下列程式碼,以確認該映像已儲存至本機。 Bash複製 docker imagels 您應該會看到名為mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/samples的存放庫,其標籤為aspnetapp。 輸入下列程式碼以啟動範例應用程式。-d旗標為執行作為背景、非互動式應用程式。-p旗標為將容器中...
I think my Docker installation is fine, as I can pull images from the terminal when I am logged in to Docker Desktop. I don't want to log out every time I use Test Containers. How can I fix this issue? Logs (on INFO):https://pastebin.com/fyExxi76 ...
Docker 1.12 for windows 10 is not working Docker Desktop for Windows As suggested in other forums, Disabled IPV6 Added the IP address and DNS address for DockerNAT as shown below [image] Restarted docker With these was able to fix the issue Maybe this has something to do with frequent ...
Description After the update, the DNS seems broken. I can't ping in the container. The DNS resolving failed. I uninstalled the Docker Desktop completely and reinstalled it. And now, I can't pull images. Error response from daemon: Get "h...
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cognitive-services/diagnostic 然后运行容器。 将 {ENDPOINT_URI} 替换为你的终结点,将 {API_KEY} 替换为你的资源的密钥:Bash 复制 docker run --rm mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cognitive-services/diagnostic \ eula=accept \ Billing={ENDPOINT_URI} \ ApiKey={API_K...