DockerDesktop ||..|| ConfigFile : "1" configures DockerDesktop ||--|> Settings : has 上述关系图表示DockerDesktop类和ConfigFile类之间的 “1 configures” 关系,以及DockerDesktop类和Settings类之间的 “has” 关系。 结论 通过设置 Docker Desktop 的 UI 语言为中文,我们可以在 Docker Desktop 中更方便...
可以使用以下命令将文件复制到本地: dockercpmycontainer:/path/to/config.file /path/on/host/config.file 1. 此命令将"mycontainer"容器中的"/path/to/config.file"文件复制到本地主机的"/path/on/host/config.file"路径下。你需要将"mycontainer"、“/path/to/config.file"和”/path/on/host/config.fil...
Modified the Docker Desktop resource saver feature to skip reducing kernel memory on WSL when no containers are running, as this was causing timeouts in some cases. Instead, users are encouraged to enable "autoMemoryReclaim" on WSL directly via the .wslconfig file (available since WSL 1.3.10)...
Docker Desktop eats RAM past WSL limit set in .wslconfig file Docker Desktop docker-desktop-for-w, windows lostontheline (LostOnTheLine) August 23, 2022, 10:13am 1 Finally, if your issue has not been addressed elsewhere, running: Settings Diagnose & Feedback Open Issues. This forum...
Docker Desktop release 4.19 brings performance enhancements, new language support, and a Moby update. Docker Init (Beta) includes support for Node and Python, and viewing Docker Scout secure software supply chain data for images directly in Docker Deskto
一,初试Docker desktop 你可以使用WIN+R 输入powershell启动powershell,也可以用anaconda的powershell 快捷方式,我选择用anaconda-powershell,进入命令界面后开始测试 运行: docker --version (base) PS C:\Users\space> docker --version Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b ...
使用Docker Desktop部署Apache APISIX 说明 测试系统:Windows 11 专业版 23H2 Docker:Docker Desktop v4.29.0+ 关于路径,“/e/Soft/conf/apisix/conf/config.yaml”代表windows系统下的文件“E:\Soft\conf\apisix\conf\config.yaml” Windows使用PowerShell运行Docker的Run命令换行使用` ...
docker run -v ~/.gitconfig) Docker Desktop does not watch the parent directory. Fixes docker/for-mac#4981. gRPC FUSE: fix chown when the file is read-only. Fixes rabbitmq, see docker/for-mac#4964. gRPC FUSE: generate ATTRIB inotify events as well as MODIFY. Fixes docker/for-mac#...
Dockerfile是Docker使用的一种模板文件,用于创建Docker镜像。它包含了Docker容器所需的所有配置和指令。 打开Dockerfile内容如下: 3. 构建image 进入到welcome-to-docker文件夹,因为我的是Windows版本,打开powershell,输入命令。 (1)进入到welcome-to-docker文件夹: ...
我这边是Docker Desktop,所以,需要设置 docker image rm 镜像名称 docker save 镜像名/镜像ID -o 镜像保存位置 E盘下就有此文件了 redis.tar docker load -i name.tar docker ps docker stop 容器名/容器id docker start 容器名/容器id 常用容器的使用命令 ...