"docker dead but subsys locked" 是一个常见的 Docker 错误,它表明 Docker 守护进程(daemon)无法启动或已经被锁定。下面是对该错误的详细解释、可能的原因、解决步骤、验证方法以及进一步的排查建议。 错误解释 "docker dead but subsys locked" 错误通常意味着 Docker 守护进程由于某种原因无法启动,或者它的进程被锁...
在理解这个错误之前,我们需要了解 Docker 的工作原理。Docker 使用守护进程(daemon)来管理容器和镜像。当我们使用 Docker 命令时,它会与守护进程进行通信,从而执行我们需要的操作。 当我们看到错误消息 “docker dead but subsys locked” 时,它意味着 Docker 守护进程无法启动或已经被锁定。这通常会导致我们无法使用 D...
结尾 当你遇到“Amazon Linux Docker Dead but Subsys Locked”的问题时,可以参考以上步骤进行排查与修复。通过检查服务状态、重启服务、清理锁定文件及查看日志等方式,你能够全面了解问题的根源并进行有效的解决。希望这些步骤能够帮助你更好地掌握Docker的基本操作和故障处理技巧。在未来的开发旅程中,你将更加得心应手!
Error: docker dead but subsys locked error while starting docker The docker engine package has been updated. Following that, the user is unable to start the Docker service and receives the “docker dead but subsys locked” while attempting to verify the status of the service. In normal conditio...
able to start the docker service, and revert back with error “docker dead but subsys locked” on verifying the status of the service. Under normal circumstances, the general solution would be to remove the lock file and the dead files of the service. This is not applicable in this ...
1、docker进程无法启动,报错docker dead but subsys locked rm-rf /var/lock/subsys/dockerrm-rf /var/lib/docker/*rm -rf /var/run/docker.* 2、docker服务无法识别,报错docker: unrecognized service yumremove docker*vim/etc/yum.repos.d/docker.repoyuminstalldocker-engine ...
centos6 no package docker-io Plan A Plan B centos6配置镜像加速器 Plan A vim /etc/sysconfig/docker 修改配置 我前几次尝试忘加--registry-mirror= 出现了docker dead but subsys locked的情况,加了以后就解决了...Docker常见问题 1.问题1: docker启动WARNING:IPv4 forwarding is disabled. Networking will...
[ OK ][root@server1 ~]# [root@server1 ~]# sudo service memcached statusmemcached dead but subsys locked[root@server1 ~]# root用户下执行sudo service memcached stop后显示Stopping memcached: [FAILED]我service memcached status显示:memcached is stopped然后我service memcached start后显示Starting ...
yum安装docker yum安装 yum -y install docker-io 启动docker service docker start 开机启动 chkconfig --add --level 245 docker 问题处理1 service docker status要是出现docker dead but subsys locked执行 rm /var/run/docker.* rm /var/lock/subsys/docker ...
I think I might be having the same issue.docker service startyields a status of:docker dead but subsys lockedand logs: level=fatal msg="Error starting daemon: The database file is locked: database is locked" Right now I am starting with-g /shared/docker -p /var/run/docker.pidwhere/sh...