Docker容器使用curl或telnet命令访问宿主的IP地址时提示No route to host, 但使用ping命令可以访问 原因: 防火墙 解决方案如下: 假设你的docker的网络为172.18.0.0/16 (使用 docker inspect <container_id> 查看这个容器所属的网络地址) firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public--add-rich-rule='rule family=ipv4...
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --change-interface=docker0 && firewall-cmd --reload docker network inspect csrpmed_default #找出默认网段w为 [ { "Name": "csrpmed_default", "Id": "f4b7c0ec797d7d496292e88071a8822b4f943c42495ebf11004f0b729ea18913", "Created": ...
开启iptables,开启firewalld,重启docker,启动五个容器,外部四个nginx访问成功,进入ubuntu容器使用curl访问,均不成功 开启iptables,开启firewalld,重启docker,启动五个容器,外部四个nginx访问成功,宿主机配置firewall-cmd--zone=public--add-port=8120/tcp--permanent,进入ubuntu容器使用curl访问,8120访问,其他均不成功 ...
0.1... * connect to port 6379 failed: No route to host * Failed to connect to port 6379: No route to host * Closing connection 0 从docker主机我 成功了, [root@docker-host ~]# curl -v * About to connect() to port 637...
Expected behavior We are using an insecure registry in our LAN which is reachable via "myhost:5000". I´ve added "myhost:5000" to the list of insecure registries in Docker Settings / Deamon and restarted docker. Now I´m expecting that I c...
: No route to host, [akka.tcp://flink@flink-jobmanager:6123]] Caused by: [ No route to host, Solution: Try to install nmap in your kubernetes taskmanger's pod container, device throws an error: Android Socket: No route to host...
通过文章 容器的本质 (opens new window)可知,容器只是一个进程,而容器所能看到的网络栈,是隔离在...
to route its service port out to the host: Here is my docker-compose file: , of the symfony side api route; like it must be public or accept CORS etc ..., host., It looks like you are trying to curl from your docker host (your real machine running, docker NoRouteToHostException ...
The machine itself does not seem to have any routing troubles, though.traceroute,ping,dig,curlall work fine, there's nothing wrong with my connectivity to the registry outside ofdocker. Here's what i see for the route: theoria:~ % host ...
在jenkins中不能正常获取gitlab中的代码,报Failed to connect to port 8088: No route to host错误, 进入到jenkins容器,发现是可以连通192.168.31.100网络的,但 curl就出现No route to host错误 初步判断是防火墙问题,于是先手式关闭防火墙 ...