Particular storage-driver can be configured with options specified with --storage-opt flags. Options for zfs start with zfs, and options for btrfs start with btrfs. ZFS options zfs.fsname Specifies the ZFS filesystem that the daemon should use to create its datasets. By default, the ZFS file...
Compose simplifies the control of your entire application stack, making it easy to manage services, networks, and volumes in a single, comprehensible YAML configuration file. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration file. ...
docker create (--name=容器名) 镜像名,例如: docker create --name=mybusybox busybox 2.查看容器状态 docker ps -a # 查看所有容器 docker ps -a | grep mybusybox # 过滤查看指定容器 docker ps -l # 查看最近操作的容器 通过create命令创建完成后的容器是"Created"状态的,可以通过start命令来启动容器...
DockerID,head over to to create one.Username:kentalkPassword:Login Succeeded Logginginwithyour password grants your terminal complete access to your account.For better security,loginwitha limited-privilege personal access token.Learn more at
$docker run --name mycreate-nginx -p 1080:80-v /usr/local/src/nginxcon:/usr/share/nginx/html-d nginx 参数说明:--name:定义容器名。-p:宿主机与容器的端口挂载,格式:宿主机端口:容器内部端口-v:宿主机目录与容器内目录映射,格式:宿主机目录:容器内部目录-d:后台执行 ...
*/publicList<Image>imageList(DockerClient client){List<Image>imageList=client.listImagesCmd().withShowAll(true).exec();returnimageList;} ☘️创建容器 代码语言:javascript 复制 /** * 创建容器 * * @param client * @return */publicCreateContainerResponsecreateContainers(DockerClient client,DockerProp...
Accelerate your development by building Docker images locally or in the cloud with Docker Build Cloud. Create multiple containers using Docker Compose without the hassle of local build constraints. Integrate with your existing tools Docker seamlessly integrates with your development tools, such as VS Co...
创建一个新的网桥:docker network create -d bridge my_bridge 启动第一个容器:docker run -itd --name tomcat centos:7 启动第二个容器:docker run -itd --name redis centos:7 把第一个容器加入网桥:docker network connect my_bridge tomcat 把第二个容器加入网桥:docker network connect my_bridge redis ...
version:'2'services:zookeeper:container_name: iop-zookeeperimage: jplock/zookeeperports:-"2181:2181"kafka:container_name: iop-kafkaimage: wurstmeister/kafkaenvironment:KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: iop-zookeeper:2181KAFKA_CREATE_TOPICS:"metrics"KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME: localhostKAFKA_BROKER_ID:1ports:-"...
docker network create --driver bridge --subnet192.172.0.0/16--gateway192.172.0.1newnet 查看网络 [root@xxx conf]# docker network ls NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE dfd016599931 bridge bridge local 9951733f6b75 host host local 8efcdae3efd4newnetbridge local ...