容器(container)的定义和镜像(image)几乎一模一样,也是一堆层的统一视角,唯一区别在于容器的最上面那一层是可读可写的。 细心的读者可能会发现,容器的定义并没有提及容器是否在运行,没错,这是故意的。正是这个发现帮助我理解了很多困惑。 要点:容器 = 镜像 + 读写层。 docker run 看到这个命令,读者通常会有一...
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES d93d40cc1ce9 tmp-ubuntu:latest "dotnet website.dll …" 6 seconds ago Up 5 seconds 8080/tcp happy_wilbur 33a6cf71f7c1 tmp-ubuntu:latest "dotnet website.dll …" 2 hours ago Exited (0) 9 seconds ago adoring_borg ...
=2 # 输出示例 [+] Running 3/3 ⠿ Container myredis Running ⠿ Container helloweb-web-2 Started ⠿ Container helloweb-web-1 Started # 查看扩容后的容器 docker compose ps # 输出示例 NAME IMAGE COMMAND SERVICE CREATED STATUS PORTS helloweb-web-1 helloweb-web "/bin/sh -c 'go run ...
# Step 1: Specify the parent image for the new imageFROM ubuntu:18.04# Step 2: Update OS packages and install additional softwareRUN apt -y update && apt install -y wget nginx software-properties-common apt-transport-https \ && wget -q https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/18.04/pa...
2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub. 3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the executable that produces the output you are currently reading. 4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to theDocker client, which sent it...
3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that imagewhichruns the executable that produces the output you are currently reading. 4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client,whichsent it to your terminal. To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu contai...
docker create IMAGE_NAME:TAG -i打开标准输入 -t分配伪终端 -p HOST_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT映射端口 --name=CONTAINER_NAME容器别名 启动容器 docker start CONTAINER_NAME/CONTAINER_ID 新建并启动容器,先创建再启动容器。 docker run IMAGE_NAME:TAG -d后台运行 ...
1 Docker - run image from docker-compose 2 Docker run command to achieve few steps with a single line of command 1 How to create, start and exec a container without command run? 4 In a dockerfile, can we have multiple RUN commands into one RUN command? 0 Is ...
docker container run命令会从 image 文件,生成一个正在运行的容器实例。 注意,docker container run命令具有自动抓取 image 文件的功能。如果发现本地没有指定的 image 文件,就会从仓库自动抓取。因此,前面的docker image pull命令并不是必需的步骤。