KubernetesClusterKubeletDockerUserKubernetesClusterKubeletDockerUserstart()runningstart()runningcheckPods()pods running 结语 解决“k8s 使用 docker container runtime is not running” 的问题并不复杂,关键在于正确地检查和启动 Docker 及 Kubelet 服务。通过以上步骤,你应该能够有效地配置和验证你的 Kubernetes 环境。
[ERROR CRI]: container runtime is not running: output: time="2023-08-31T16:42:23+08:00" level=fatal msg="validate service connection: CRI v1 runtime API is not implemented for endpoint \"unix:///var/run/cri-dockerd.sock\": rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service ru...
1:先删除之前的 sudo apt-get purge containerd.io docker-cerm-rf /var/lib/containerd 2 重启一下 reboot 3 重新安装 sudo apt-getinstall containerd.io docker-ce
Container Runtime is Down PLEG 错误的原因 当你在Docker中创建或运行容器时,Docker将使用容器运行时(Container Runtime)来管理和运行容器。Container Runtime负责创建、启动、停止和销毁容器。但是,如果Container Runtime无法正常运行,你就会遇到 “Container Runtime is Down PLEG” 的错误消息。 这个错误通常有以下几...
You cannot attach to a stopped container, start it first sdetweil(Sam)January 29, 2018, 5:56pm2 technically is supposed to be docker run (start a container for the 1st time) docker stop ) stop a running container) docker start (a stopped container) ...
Docker Engine 1.11是第一个基于runC(基于OCI技术的runtime)和containerd构建的版本。下图是containerd的集成架构: Open Container Initiative (OCI)组织成立于2015年的6月,旨在建立容器的通用标准为了避免在容器系统内部可能存在的碎片和分裂。 它包含两个标准: - runtime-spec: runtime标准 - image-spec: 镜像标准...
查看宿主状态时提示 ‘container runtime is down’ ,根据经验,此时一般就是容器运行时出了问题。弹性云使用的容器运行时是 docker,我们就去检查 docker 的状态,检测结果如下: docker ps查看所有容器状态,执行正常 docker inspect查看某一容器详细状态,执行阻塞...
While the image used by a container is not an identifier for the container, you find out the IDs of containers using an image by using the --filter flag. For example, the following docker ps command gets the IDs of all running containers based on the nginx:alpine image: ...
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:78: starting setns process caused \"fork/exec /proc/self/exe: no such file or directory\"": unknown 使用nsenter方式进入容器 ...
docker container ls CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 88bad6a2c9a1 jm113 "/bin/sh -c 'PORT=30…" 13 hours ago Up 13 hours>3000/tcp nifty_khayyam 150a3d1c3f68 jm9 "/bin/sh -c 'PORT=${…" 16 hours ago Up 16 ...