shell>docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash //新建一个bash 参考: [1]docker启动容器之后马上又自动关闭了 [2]docker ps shows empty list [3]Why docker container exits immediately [4]Run container but exited immediately [5]
When a Docker container exits immediately after starting, it means that the main process running inside the container has stopped or encountered an error. The container is then automatically stopped by Docker. This behavior occurs to ensure that failed containers do not consume unnecessary system reso...
I'm new to Docker so it's possible I missed something here. At 19.3, we're asked to start the Docker container on our local machine with this command: $ docker run --name microblog -d -p 8000:5000 --rm microblog:latest When I do that, it...
The container running the moleculer app keeps running after startup. Current Behavior The container starts, but then exits immediately. Example logs: greeter_1 | [2018-07-09T19:46:41.419Z] INFO 48b63962f32f-16/BROKER: Moleculer v0.12.8 is starting... greeter_1 | [2018-07-09T19:46:41.4...
If I change/bin/bashtols, I can see a directory listing. But of course, the container exits immediately as expected. To troubleshoot, I experimented with the following entry commands on theastj/centos5-vaultimage, with these docker switches. All of them exit immediately: ...
Docker run exits immediately despite --detach, --interactive, --tty, and providing a command Docker Hub 4 16870 January 20, 2021 Prometheus container immediately exits General 2 2116 April 23, 2019 Dockerfile&&container exit General 1 716 June 28, 2017 Docker ps returns exited(0...
Docker Container Exits Immediately The container in the previous section did not terminate because the container had an Nginx process running in the background. There are cases where the docker container immediately exits if it has finished executing its process. To illustrate this, run the below ...
But containers don’t run an entire operating system. They only run (contain) a specific process. When this process finishes, the container exits. So why does a container stop? On this page What if my Docker container dies immediately?
The container exits immediately. To get a debug shell inside, run: $ docker debug my-app The debug shell allows you to inspect the filesystem: docker > ls dev etc hello nix proc sys The file /hello is the binary that was executed when running the container. You can confirm this by...
At its core, a Docker container is simply a process (or group of processes) isolated from other processes on the host system. This process runs in the foreground and determines the lifespan of the container. When the main process (or command) within the container exits, the container itself...