在启动Docker容器时,指定--network=host参数: dockerrun-d--network=host your_image 1. 这样就可以直接连接到宿主机的MySQL服务了。 代码示例 下面是一个简单的Python脚本示例,演示了如何连接到MySQL数据库: importMySQLdb# 打开数据库连接db=MySQLdb.connect(host="host_ip",user="username",passwd="password",d...
have started my container (on Linux) withdocker run -it --add-host=host.docker.internal: node:12-alpine ash installed the mysql-module withnpm install mysqland then created thismysqltest.js var mysql = require('mysql'); var pool = mysql.createPool({ connectionLimit : 100, host ...
NodeJS Docker container can't connect to MySQL (on host) General Discussions drakeorfeo (Drake Orfeo) September 16, 2021, 3:11am 3 Unfortunately it gave the same result, I was using run --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway, I tried your suggestion --add-host=host.docker.int...
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 49e7d6bb9ef7 centos7:v1"/bin/bash"43minutes ago Up43minutes0.0.0.0:3306->3306/tcp mysql [root@useraddr mysql]# docker inspect-f'{{.Id}}'mysql 49e7d6bb9ef7d505318a9651a00d441c57549c7c1026ea10b5637e7804352872 ...
I'm trying to run mysql server on a Docker (installed with Docker Toolbox for Mac) container and access it from my machine running OS X Yosemite. The documentation from the official repo does not explain how to connect from outside the docker host !! I've created a container using the...
container_name:yw-producer image:yw-producer:1.0ports:-8766:8766-8799:8799restart:always environment:-PORT=8766-HTTP_PORT=8799-REDIS_PORT=6379-REDIS_HOST=myredis-MQ_URL=tcp://myactivemq:61616-MAIN_DATASOURCE=jdbc:mysql://
Hi, I did the following to start a MySQL docker container: docker run --name=my_mysql_instance -d mysql/mysql-server:latest I verified that its running with: docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 92de8d5bdb67...
MySQL Hostname: 填写容器的IP地址或域名,可以使用docker inspect mysql-container命令获取容器的IP地址。 MySQL Server Port: 填写容器映射到主机的端口,即3306。 Username: 填写MySQL的用户名,默认为root。 Password: 填写MySQL的密码,即上述步骤中设置的密码。 点击"Test Connection"测试连接是否成功,如果成功则保存连...
由于mysql在docker中,需要tcp方式访问,所以需要指定协议:mysql -h localhost -P 3316 --protocol=tcp -u root -p123456 参考:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33001750/connect-to-mysql-in-a-docker-container-from-the-host mysql默认开启了ssl,需要客户端使用证书访问,参考:http://leanote.com/blog/post...