I have a service that runs inside a docker container. This service need to accesses the database that is run in another cluster (I use kubectl port-forward and after it I access database in localhost:5432) Here is my docker-compose file version: '3' services: api: build: . ports: ...
区别是:配置网络环境指用户通过向Docker Client传递网络参数,实现Docker Container网络环境参数的配置,这部分配置由Docker Client传递至Docker Daemon,并由Docker Daemon保存;创建网络环境指,用户通过Docker Client向Docker Daemon发送容器启动命令之后,Docker Daemon根据之前保存的网络参数,实现Docker Container的启动,并在启动过...
1 How to access docker container using localhost address 20 Access localhost and docker network using docker-compose 1 how to access a localhost app from a container in docker-compose 0 How to connect to localhost inside the docker container? 0 Not able to access the container over localho...
This command downloads a test image and runs it in a container. When the container runs, it prints a confirmation message and exits. You have now successfully installed and started Docker Engine. Tip Receiving errors when trying to run without root?
执行docker logs <container>显示: io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: finishConnect(..) failed: Connection refused: localhost/ 很明显,主机localhost/上存在问题。为什么网关试图指向“重复”地址?。 docker-compose.yml看起来像这样: ...
Exposing a container's ports using-p 3000:443should allow me to access the container atlocalhost:3000. Actual behavior I get a connection refused when trying to do this. I can access the container if I go in through the container's IP address only. ...
by default MySQL/MariaDB installed on a host is only listening to localhost. But when you try to access from a container you are accessing it from a different IP. So you need to configure the database-service to listen to other/all ip-addresses. ...
Hi, I am trying to use node:8.15.1 version for SharePoint Framework development. I use the following Dockerfile to create my image. however, when I access https://localhost:4321/temp/workbench.html from my host laptop, I got "this site c...
Fixed a security bug in Enhanced Container Isolation (ECI) mode where a user could create Docker volumes sourced from restricted directories inside the Docker Desktop VM and mount them into containers, thereby giving the container access to such restricted VM directories. By default, only extensions...
Then inside the observium container I: vi /opt/observium/config.php And replaced the word localhost with my host’s IP address: $config[‘db_host’] = ‘My local IP address’; $config[‘db_user’] = ‘observium’; But there is no place where I type the port number. And when I go...