客户端应该是先有大量io timeout,等服务端句柄被打满后才出现connect reset by peer的,而客户端io timeout增多很可能是服务端处理请求耗时突增或者阻塞导致。 理论上能解释通了,线下模拟实现验证,在接口中sleep(100s),压测很快就复现了connect reset by peer,现象和线上问题case完全一致,确认猜想。那么接下来定位...
异常的原因是己方主动关闭了连接后(调用了Socket的close方法)再对网络连接进行读写操作。 第4个异常是java.net.SocketException: (Connection reset或者 Connect reset by peer:Socket write error)。 该异常在客户端和服务器端均有可能发生,引起该异常的原因有两个,第一个就是如果一端的Socket被关闭(或主动关闭或...
2019-12-22 20:09 −### Cause: java.sql.SQLException: connection holder is null; uncategorized SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [null]; error code [0]; connectio... 沧海一滴 0 2873 org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPConnectionClosedException: Connection closed without indication ...
1. 本地使用http/socks5 访问内部服务时,报错 ”Connection reset by peer“ curl 测试通过代理连接内部服务域名: 隐掉了ip 域名等 敏感信息,https://wkbench.xx.com/为内网服务 curl -vk -x socks5://112.124.xx.xx:1085https://wkbench.xx.com Trying 112.124.xx.xx:1085... SOCKS5 connect to IPv4...
How to fix Docker connection reset by peer, Docker Status is UP but cannot connect to sever? Ask Question Asked11 months ago Modified11 months ago Viewed3k times 0 Having this issue of connection reset by peer when doing a curl to to docker server. curl
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... Readerror(Connection reset by peer) in headers. Retrying. ^C The console shows no output other than: wordpress-service_1 | [12-Sep-201608:01:09.757039] DEBUG: pid5,fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line379: [pool www] currently0active chi...
davidroidev(Davidroidev)October 8, 2022, 10:11am5 Try to use VPN. Its worked for me chddv(Chddv)March 13, 2024, 9:33am Hi , I have the same issue. What do you mean by VPN ? Connect to internet through a VPN to have an alternative IP ? Thanks !
Err :con: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial unix /run/containerd/containerd.sock: connect: connection refused". Reconnecting... module=grpc 从报错看着疑似是/run/containerd/containerd.sock文件有问题 删除/run/containerd/containerd.sock文件后重启恢复...
It tries to connect to localhost:6379. Per https://github.com/StackStorm/st2-docker/blob/master/bin/write-env.sh#L47-L51 the connection string should be redis:6379 instead. Try to debug/run make env execution and see if conf/redis.env has the correct details....
1、docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? 原因:Docker未正常启动 解决方式:systemctl start docker 2、can't create unix socket /var/run/docker.sock: is a directory