Description Current behavior: With a minimal node service setup, the command docker compose watch behaves as expected, while docker compose up --watch crashes. Expected behavior: Using docker compose up --watch should reload service on f...
docker compose [-f <arg>...] [options] [COMMAND] [ARGS...] 部分命令选项如下: -f,--file:指定使用的 Compose 模板文件,默认为docker-compose.yml,可以多次指定,指定多个 yml; -p, --project-name:指定工程名称,默认使用docker-compose.yml文件所在目录的名称; -v:打印版本并退出; --log-level:定义...
changes are reflected on localhost:5735 and in container kill watch, run docker compose down and run docker compose watch again in browser / container will NOT have your changes Steps To Reproduce No response Compose Version compose version Docker Compose version v2.22.0-desktop.2 docker-compose...
docker compose命令的基本的使用格式是 dockercompose[-f<arg>...][options][COMMAND][ARGS...] 部分命令选项如下: -f,--file:指定使用的 Compose 模板文件,默认为docker-compose.yml,可以多次指定,指定多个 yml; -p, --project-name:指定工程名称,默认使用docker-compose.yml文件所在目录的名称; ...
Home/Reference/CLI reference/docker/docker compose/docker compose watch DescriptionWatch build context for service and rebuild/refresh containers when files are updated Usagedocker compose watch [SERVICE...] Description Watch build context for service and rebuild/refresh containers when files are updated ...
Ifactionis set tosync+restart, Compose synchronizes your changes with the service containers and restarts it. sync+restartis ideal when config file changes, and you don't need to rebuild the image but just restart the main process of the service containers. It will work well when you update...
本次部署采用的 apollo-config :2.2.0 版本,mysql8.0.31(2.2.0版本源码的驱动应该是最高能支持到 mysql8.2.0),参考官方的部署架构 单机,三个环境架构,在本地使用 docker-compose 完成 dev、fat、uat 和 pro 四个环境的部署,仅用于测试。生产部署,可以参考官方的高可用部署。
watch: - path: requirements.txt action: rebuild - path: ./ target: /app/ action: sync include: - path: env_file: frontend.env frontend.env BACKEND_HOST=http://backend:8080 Much of this looks very similar to the frontendcompose.yaml. ...
Complete a tutorial to create multi-container applications with MySQL and Docker Compose and use the containers to scale your project in Visual Studio.