修改Caddyfile 在cloudflare中的域名 运行脚本 ## 构建服务端镜像 这步可以省略docker-compose build## 服务端启动方法docker-compose up -d## 客户端启动 方法 一docker-compose -f docker-compose-client.yml up -d## 客户端启动 方法 二docker run -it --rm -p 1080:1080 -p 1082:1082 -d -v$PWD/...
docker-caddy-v2ray/Caddyfile Go to file Copy path Hugoinit Latest commit66864d1on Mar 7, 2019History 0contributors 13 lines (13 sloc)154 Bytes RawBlame your.domain { log ./caddy.log tls { dns cloudflare } root /srv gzip proxy /ws v2ray:8082 { ...
"adopteunops/jenkins-with-docker", "adopteunops/rancher-compose-tools", "adopteunops/selfsigned-generator", "adorsys/openjdk-jre-base", "adrianbrink/ethermint", "adrianbrink/tendermint", "adrianmo/docker-register", "adrianofonseca/croc-hunter", "adrianotto/centos6", "adskom/nginx-ingress-contr...
Docker compose 安装 PostgreSQL 和 MySQL environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password 启动 docker-compose up -d 参考 https://blog.windrunner.me/sa/dockerize-postgres.html 4.8K20 SQL审核平台Archery1.10部署 /archery/keys:/opt/archery/keys" entrypoint: "dockerize -wait tcp://mysql:3306 -wait tcp...
docker-compose.yml index.html server_config.json README.md v2ray-caddy-docker This setting is based on ws-tls-web which using the caddy as the web server and all the server are running in docker. Leave a star if you like it or issue me if there're questions. Variables VariableTyp...
https://github.com/anerg2046/Caddy_V2ray 准备工作 一个域名,并且将域名添加一条A记录到你的VPS VPS安装Docker及Docker Compose 附上CentOS7的安装命令 yum update -y yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 epel-release gcc libffi-devel python-devel openssl-devel git net-tools ...
trojan-caddy-docker-compose 使用docker-compose 构建的 Trojan Server + Caddy Web Server。 Trojan 服务端监听 443 端口,对正常来路的 https 请求,Trojan 服务端会转发给 Caddy 服务器处理,返回 Web 页面;而通过 Trojan 客户端来的请求,则由 Trojan 服务端进行代理,与 V2ray + Websocket + TLS 的原理一样,...
sudo docker run -d --rm --name v2ray -p 443:443 -p 80:80 -v $HOME/.caddy:/root/.caddy pengchujin/v2ray_ws:0.08 YOURDOMAIN.COM V2RAY_WS && sleep 3s && sudo docker logs v2ray sudo docker run -d --rm --name v2ray -p 443:443 -p 80:80 -v $HOME/.caddy:/root/.caddy...
=caddy_v2ray acme.sh: container_name: acme.sh image: neilpang/acme.sh restart: unless-stopped command: daemon network_mode: host volumes: - ${HOME_PATH}/acmeout:/acme.sh - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock environment: DEPLOY_DOCKER_CONTAINER_LABEL: sh.acme.autoload=caddy_v2...
Trojan server and Caddy integration with Docker compose。 Trojan server listens port 443. For https requests from normal sources, Trojan server will forward them to Caddy server for processing and return to the Web page while requests from Trojan client will be proxied by Trojan server which like...