安装pip3,然后安装 docker-compose sudo apt install python3-pip sudo pip3 install--upgrade pip sudo pip3 configsetglobal.index-url http://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple sudo pip3 install-Udocker-compose 安装Portainer 管理镜像和容器 (也可以自己配置成 docker-compose.yml ) sudo docker run-d-...
3. Our next step is to create a folder to keep the Home Assistant Docker Compose file. This directory will be located at “/opt/stacks/hass“. You can create this directory by using the mkdir command, as shown below. sudo mkdir -p /opt/stacks/hassCopy Using the “-p” option ensures...
docker compose portainer docker save Build docker image 镜像下载、域名解析、时间同步请点击 阿里云开源镜像站 一、Docker基础知识 利用docker,直接下载一个镜像,立即使用,简单。 本文采用的部署方式是:通过云服务器debian 12,安装dockers,通过docker部署hass,之后通过hass集成小米智能家居设备。 准备一台云服务器...
确认您的系统上已安装 docker compose。它是安装 Docker 引擎时的一个插件。 $ docker compose version Docker Compose version v2.21.0 1. 2. Docker Compose 可能是管理容器的首选选项,因为它支持在失败或系统重启时自动重启。 停止并移除当前容器。 docker rm -f homeassistant 1. 让我们创建一个新文件。docke...
3. Prevent the same packages to upgrade in the short term To avoid the same issue to happen, until a stable solution will be found I decided to prevent the same packages to upgrade, as suggested byfcastilloec sudo apt-mark hold \ docker-compose-plugin \ docker-ce-cli \ docker-buildx-...
dnsmasq upgrade dnsmasq to v2.89 (FIX vimagick#206) May 19, 2023 docker-compose-arm chore: Use --no-cache-dir flag to pip in Dockerfiles, to save space Jul 2, 2021 doh-server add doh-server May 31, 2021 dokuwiki update dokuwiki Jan 24, 2022 ...
HASS.io on Ubuntu Server / Debian using Docker - Final Thoughts Whether you use Home Assistant or HASS.io is your call. I am liking my move from Home Assistant to HASS.io on Docker. However, it certainly was not an easy move. I am pretty comfortable with Docker and Docker compose and...
docker hadoop安装 docker安装hass 界面化操作私有仓库镜像不方便,harbor可以很好解决这个问题,开始安装。1、首先安装docker环境,这个就不说了,都会装有。2、harbor是通过docker-compose管理安装的,所以需要安装docker-compose,安装这玩意有两种方式。1)、执行下面两条命令curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/re...
Why Upgrade to Traefik 2? My main reason for upgrading to Traefik 2 was for the improved header support, but I found that the thing I liked the most was how version 2 uses Middlewares. This has dramatically simplified my configuration, and now it’s extremely easy to set up new routes ...
Else, I have a DS218+, the upgrade works fine (I have not apply iptables rules, works fine w/o) and for my uses, I stay on host/bridge network. Portainer seems work better now... in docker-compose: network_mode: bridge I tried to do a script to automate the deployment... ...