-f 指定使用的Compose模板文件,默认为docker-compose.yml,可以多次指定。 docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d [root@topcheer docker]# docker-compose up -d Creating network "docker_default" with the default driver Pulling web1 (nginx:)... Trying to pull repository docker.io/library/nginx ...
docker-compose ps 显示所有容器 docker-compose restart nginx 重新启动nginx容器 docker-compose run --no-deps --rm php-fpm php -v 在php-fpm中不启动关联容器,并容器执行php -v 执行完成后删除容器 docker-compose build nginx 构建镜像 。 docker-compose build --no-cache nginx 不带缓存的构建。 docker...
If you change a service'sDockerfileor the contents of its build directory, rundocker compose buildto rebuild it. Options OptionDefaultDescription --build-argSet build-time variables for services --builderSet builder to use -m, --memorySet memory limit for the build container. Not supported by...
docker-compose up[options][--scaleSERVICE=NUM...][SERVICE...]--scale:指定服务运行的容器个数(如果服务有对外的端口就不能指定多个容器,因为端口已经被占用) Eg:docker-compose up -d --scaleweb=1--scaleredis=2选项包括: -d 在后台运行服务容器 -no-color 不是有颜色来区分不同的服务的控制输出 -n...
Docker compose up --build does not rebuilds the static files Docker Desktop build, linux anishtulsyan (Anishtulsyan) March 20, 2024, 5:10am 1 Hi!! When I do any changes in my .html file and I run docker compose up --build , it builds the image perfectly and the web page sh...
Docker Compose 是 Docker 官方编排(Orchestration)项目之一,负责快速的部署分布式应用。 Compose 项目是 Docker 官方的开源项目,负责实现对 Docker 容器集群的快速编排。其代码目前在github上开源。 Compose 定位是 【定义和运行多个 Docker 容器的应用(Defining and running multi-container Docker applications)】,其前身...
This one is a bit lengthy to explain, so I have created a test project to reproduce this behavior with. As I understand it from the docker compose up documentation, the container should be rebuilt if an image was changed. However, it see...
running docker-compose build with --no-cache to rebuild my image after changes: 0s 👍 $> docker-compose build --no-cache [snip] Building tsdb Step 1 : FROM influxdb:0.13 ---> c7a58aa7ce3b Step 2 : COPY file_prod /etc/file_prod ...
Compose的Commands有如下几个,一一介绍: build kill logs pause & unpause port ps pull restart rm run scale start & stop up 1.6.2 build指令 代码语言:javascript 复制 Usage:build[options][SERVICE...]Options:--force-rm Always remove intermediate containers.--no-cache Do not use cache when building...
Step 1: Set up Create a directory for the project: $mkdir composetest$cdcomposetest Create a file calledapp.pyin your project directory and paste the following code in: importtimeimportredisfromflaskimportFlaskapp=Flask(__name__)cache=redis.Redis(host='redis',port=6379)defget_hit_count():...