# Step 1: 以ubuntu为例,下载docker-compose $ sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.17.0/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose # Step 2: 给予docker-compose可执行权限 $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose # Step ...
3.2、Specifying a path to a single Compose file 指定单个Compose文件的路径 You can use the-fflag to specify a path to a Compose file that is not located in the current directory, either from the command line or by setting up aCOMPOSE_FILE environment variablein your shell or in an environ...
#docker-compose pull 用于拉取服务依赖的镜像 #docker-compose restart 用于重启某个服务中的所有容器 ...
docker-compose up[options][--scaleSERVICE=NUM...][SERVICE...]--scale:指定服务运行的容器个数(如果服务有对外的端口就不能指定多个容器,因为端口已经被占用) Eg:docker-compose up -d --scaleweb=1--scaleredis=2选项包括: -d 在后台运行服务容器 ...
Compose文件包含了应用程序的各种服务的配置选项,如镜像、端口映射、环境变量、卷挂载等。你只需在Compose文件中定义所需的服务和其配置,然后使用docker-compose up命令即可启动整个应用程序。此外,你还可以使用docker-compose down命令来停止和删除所有相关的容器。
To manage containers we can use a few basic docker-compose commands: Build or rebuild services docker-compose build Create and start containers docker-compose up The containers have been run and logs printed on the console. To run in background use parameter -d. ...
docker-compose 命令 --help 获得一个命令的帮助 docker-compose up -d nginx 构建启动nignx容器 docker-compose exec nginx bash 登录到nginx容器中 docker-compose down 此命令将会停止 up 命令所启动的容器,并移除网络 docker-compose ps 列出项目中目前的所有容器 docker-compose restart nginx 重新启动nginx容器...
Now, you can start the service with thedocker composecommand: Bash docker-compose up Validate that the service is running There are several ways to validate that the container is running: The container provides a homepage at\as a visual validation that the container is running. ...
Docker Compose command references forIBM Sterling Call Center If you want to useSterling Call Center, you can run the./cc-compose.shcommand with arguments to suit your requirements. For example,./cc-compose.sh <arguments> The following table provides the list of commands and arguments to runcc...