应该使用docker compose 而不是docker-compose(废弃的1.0版本) env: WSL Ubuntu-22.04 报错关键字如下 File"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/compose/service.py",line1579,inget_container_data_volumes container.image_config['ContainerConfig'].get('Volumes')or{}KeyError:'ContainerConfig' docker-compose-f do...
http://blog.csdn.net/boling_cavalry/article/details/79050451 解决docker-compose启动镜像失败的问题; 原文地址:http://blog.csdn.net/boling_cavalry/article/details/79050451 修改docker-compose.yml,增加一个配置tty:true,如下: master: image: java:8u111-jdk tty:true 我的微信号:shiningrise...
I also tested on a simpler app, by copying first the Gemfile and then the rest of the app. On Windows, running with docker-compose, the image fails to run because Rails can't find the Gemfile. Running with docker run it runs fine. On OSX, it runs fine either way. jstoner commented...
compose.cli.command.get_client: docker-compose version 1.11.2, build dfed245 ==> default: docker-py version: 2.1.0 ==> default: CPython version: 2.7.13 ==> default: OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1t 3 May 2016 ==> default: compose.cli.command.get_client: Docker base_url: http+docke...
Docker Compose Products Docker Desktop Docker Build Cloud Docker Hub Docker Scout Docker Extensions Platform Administration Billing Docker accounts Security Subscription Release notes Home/Manuals/Docker Engine/Release notes/Engine v28 This page describes the latest changes, additions, known issues, and fixes...
Again, I am new to this, so I am in the process of learning more about it. Thank you for your help in advance. My apologies for being such a n00b. (I’m at work right now, so I am unable to post the exact error message, but I can do that when I get home from work, later...
noamanelson@noamanelson-Virtual-Machine:/etc/docker/registry$ sudo docker run--rm--entrypoint htpasswd httpd:alpine-Bbn noamanelson123456>auth/nginx.htpasswd Unable to find image'httpd:alpine'locally alpine:Pullingfromlibrary/httpd 8a49fdb3b6a5:Already exists beb66a906b34:Pulling fs layer 01924573...
If you are using mounted volumes and get runtime errors indicating an application file is not found, access is denied to a volume mount, or a service cannot start, such as when usingDocker Compose, you might need to turn onshared folders. ...
2.2 安装compose 方式一:从github上下载docker-compose二进制文件安装 方式二:python-pip方式安装docker-compose 3、Compose快速入门 3.1 Compose 使用的三个步骤 3.2 Compose 入门范例 3.3 Compose容器分层 3.4 Docker Compose 常用命令 4、Docker-compose模板文件 4.1 Docker-compose模板文件简介 4.2 docker-compose.yml...
使用docker-compose构建失败 、、 我已经更改了一个正在运行的docker-compose应用程序,以便为将来的Dockerimage包含文件夹。代码库是基于另一个docker-compose应用程序构建的,具有多个可用的Dockerfile。 我似乎找不到是什么导致了这里的错误。当我运行docker-composeup --build时,我得到以下错误。