network_mode: "service:..." and network_mode: "container:..." (and net: "container:..." in the version 1 file format). volumes_from links 2.手动编排 四、Environment variables in Compose 1.在Composer files中替换环境变量 web: image: "webapp:${TAG}" 2.在容器中设置环境变量 docker run...
To make it work properly with my second container, I have to restart manually my node_api container. Simply because the first time the docker-compose is building and loads the containers, the mysql container "restart" and take too much time for the node_api container to conne...
restart: always I can access al services individually in the browser via a domain name coupled to my VPS. I can also see in portainer they really are all 6 in the same network. But when it try to access http://prometheus:9090 from my grafana application: i get the fol...
指定Dockerfile 所在文件夹的路径(可以是绝对路径,或者相对 docker-compose.yml 文件的路径)。 Compose 将会利用它自动构建这个镜像,然后使用这个镜像。 [例如]:build: /path/to/build/dir 1. 11>depends_on 可以保证build的先后顺序。 [例如]: depends_on: - - ...
docker-compose -f consul_cluster.yaml up -d 访问:服务器ip:8500可以看到集群 server模式启动的命令行参数说明: -server:表示当前使用的server模式;如果没有指定,则表示是client模式。 -node:指定当前节点在集群中的名称。 -config-dir:指定配置文件路径,定义服务的;路径下面的所有.json结尾的文件都被访问;缺省值...
network_mode:"host" Kafka部分 以kafka-01目录下的.env为例 .env配置文件为docker-compose.yml提供了多个zookeeper的ip:client-port列表 # default env for kafka docker-compose.yml # set zookeeper cluster, pattern is "zk1-host:port,zk2-host:port,zk3-host:port", use a comma as multiple servers sep...
在任意的目录下,创建一个 docker-compose.yml 文件,并添加下面的内容。 version:'2'services:helloworld:image:'hello-world' 然后,在当前目录下使用docker-compose up启动 docker-compose。 启动时,如遇到 client and server don't have same version (client : 1.22, server: 1.18) ...
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 1. 2. 3. 3. 最后在centos上执行 docker-compopse up --build 就可以了,如果不想terminal上运行,可以加 -d 使用后台执行。 [root@localhost docker]# docker-compose up --build Creating network "docker_default" with the default driver ...
P.S. Note:I don’t have any issues doing “docker-compose up” on project 2. I’m having issues when I do “docker-compse up” on the first project.
docker-compose creates a network and connect all the containers together in the same network and make sure they are communicating with each other with no issues. Here is the snapshot of me executing the same command and the result. Besides that, Docker compose can help you set up a reliable...