docker compose run 命令允许你在单个服务上执行任务,如运行一次性命令或调试。 与docker compose up 的区别在于,run 命令只会运行指定的服务,不会启动依赖它的其他服务。 语法 docker compose run[OPTIONS]SERVICE[COMMAND][ARGS...] SERVICE:Compose 文件中定义的服务名称。 COMMAND和ARGS:可选参数,指定要在容器内...
{"name": "Go", "dockerComposeFile": ["../../docker-compose-pong.yml"], "service": "pong", "runArgs": ["--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE", "--security-opt", "seccomp=unconfined"], "settings": { "": "/bin/bash", "go.gopath": "/go" }, ...
使用 docker-compose,就可以使用 YAML 文件(compose使用的结构化文件)来自由配置我们应用程序的服务,并一键从这个配置中创建并启动所有服务。Compose 文件( Compose file format)是用于定义组成应用程序的一个或多个容器的配置方式。一旦你有了一个 Compose 文件,就可以使用一个命令来创建和启动你的应用程序:docker com...
Run a one-off command on a service Understand how Compose works Find out about the latest enhancements and bug fixes. Learn how to migrate from Compose V1 to V2 Product offeringsPricingAbout usSupportContribute Copyright © 2013-2025 Docker Inc. All rights reserved. ...
$docker compose run web bash Commands you use with run start in new containers with configuration defined by that of the service, including volumes, links, and other details. However, there are two important differences: First, the command passed byrunoverrides the command defined in the service...
Now I got your point. So I can run docker compose (no “-”) to have v2 instead of v1 and when I add a service to the docker compose file I can just execute the command once again. Yes, but this is not a feature of v2. It was always true. v2 is just the latest compose ...
而如果涉及多个容器的运行(如服务编排)就可以通过 docker-compose 来实现,它可以轻松的将多个容器作为 service 来运行(当然也可仅运行其中的某个),并且提供了 scale (服务扩容) 的功能。 简单总结: dockerfile: 构建镜像; docker run: 启动容器; docker-compose: 启动服务; ...
Docker Compose could be improved. There are strange behaviors like the one I described. Not to mention thatcompose rundoes not use the port forward definition of the service from the yaml without specifying it in the command line, but it does use it for the dependencies. ...
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt EXPOSE 5000 COPY . . CMD ["flask", "run"] 在相同的文件下,创建docker-compose.yml文件 上述几步完成后,我们得到了我们服务本身的docker化执行的能力。但该服务依赖redis service。所以我们通过docker-compose.yml来组织服务的依赖关系,内容如下: ...
"dockerComposeFile": ["../../docker-compose-pong.yml"], "service": "pong", "runArgs": ["--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE", "--security-opt", "seccomp=unconfined"], "settings": { "": "/bin/bash", "go.gopath": "/go" ...