修改Dockerfile: COPYstartup.sh .RUNchmod +x startup.shENTRYPOINT["/app/startup.sh"]CMD["/app/myscript.sh"] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 在这个例子中,start.sh声明了一些命令并以exec启动了myscript.sh,使其成为进程树中的最终命令。 方法三:使用docker-compose文件 对于复杂的多容器应用,使用docker-c...
You can also use here documents to run multiple commands without chaining them with a pipeline operator: RUN<<EOFapt-get updateapt-get install -y --no-install-recommends\package-bar\package-baz\package-fooEOF For more information aboutRUN, seeDockerfile reference for the RUN instruction. ...
您可以使用-f标志通过命令行或通过在Shell或环境文件中设置一个COMPOSE_FILE环境变量,来指定不在当前目录中的Compose文件的路径。 For an example of using the-foption at the command line, suppose you are running theCompose Rails sample, and have adocker-compose.ymlfile in a directory calledsandbox/rail...
Compose保护服务使用的所有卷(vloumes),当运行docker-compose run命令时,如果Compose发现存在之前运行过的容器,它会把旧容器中的数据卷拷贝到新的容器中,这保证了你在卷中创建的任何数据都不丢失。 只重新创建改变过的容器; Compose会缓存用于创建容器的配置信息,当你重启服务时,如果服务没有被更改,Compose就会重用已...
Run'docker compose COMMAND --help' for more information on a command. 官方入门 Use Case Step 1: Define the application dependencies Create a directory for the project: $mkdircomposetest$cdcomposetest Create a file calledapp.pyin your project directory and paste the following code in: ...
To install the latest version, run: $sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin Verify that the installation is successful by running thehello-worldimage: $sudo docker run hello-world ...
docker-compose 命令只能管理docker-compose 启动的容器,无法管理docker run 启动的容器 docker-compose -h可以查看帮助文档 Define and run multi-container applications with Docker. Usage:#[options] 类型的参数,必须出现在 [COMMAND] 类型的参数前面#[COMMAND] 类型的参数默认是找当前所在路径下的 docker-compose....
现在,所有的freqtrade命令都使用docker运行,例如 D:\ft_userdata\user_data>docker-compose run --rm freqtrade backtesting这种策略需要Python模块finta。我知道Python模块finta应该安装在我的Docker容器中,而不是在我的Windows系统中(控制台上的“”很容易!)。即使我试图通过堆栈溢出和google找到解决方案,我也不明白如...
Compose has commands for managing the whole lifecycle of your application: Start, stop and rebuild services View the status of running services Stream the log output of running services Run a one-off command on a service Installation and documentation Full documentation is available on Docker's web...
but why would you do that instead of using Docker Compose which was designed to do that. On the other hand, a dependency is just the order of running the docker run commands, so you can have a simple script with multiple docker run after eachother. Still, I would use Docker Compose. ...